Thursday, March 26, 2015


Wow amazing view of mountain clouds and sky.
We are all so small even when we climb up high about everyone else, compare to the wonder and majesty of nature.

I believe in the transcendent experiences that reveal to us the deeper dimensions of life.
There is an awe in the greatness of huge trees, high mountains and crashing ocean waves that create an experience of WOW in our souls.

Children also color our world with joy and love.
I would describe God as love and yet love is so hard to describe.  Feelings of love increase neurological activity in our brains.  I would describe God as spirit, hope, inspiration, life, love and truth.  Also as a creator,  friend teacher and guide to teach us how to love.
Today I must make an effort to go for a walk, visit Gundy and Jim.  Yesterday was a rainy day but not as heavy as the rain I experienced one day in Ucluelet.  Morgan was prepared with adorable rain boots (darn I should have taken a picture) but I was not.  Lots of puddles here too.

Dad and I want to make am effort also to do some weight lifting as we find our arms are so weak.  First we have to hunt them, not our arms and legs but the weights down and lug them out of hiding.

 I know life is an effort for most of us, at  some time or another, whether is trying to break a habit or fighting tiredness or making decisions or just having too much to do, having  aches and pains etc.

Wow everyone I visited had the miseries but I can only hope they felt better after my visit.


nancy-Lou said...

Pretty photos of the west side mountains....and isn't Ben growing tall?
Morgan has grown a lot just seems to take a "blink of the eye" and the kids are all grown up.

Our Granddaughter's 21st birthday was yesterday. I made a video for her, talking at first and then I played and sang her Happy Birthday with my squeeky bronchitis voice....she is going in to engineering in the glad she is going back to school!

Thanks for posting the great photos.

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

I did not realize I had posted.

What a blessing for your grand daughter,

Hope your bronchitis clears up soon.

Love beth

Sandra said...

Great pictures mom. Nature is so awesome, the wind and the rain and the waves. That is the one thing about moving to this house, we do not go to the beach as often, even though with the new road it does not take any longer.