Sunday, March 8, 2015


P3080148Sandra phones to ask us for supper and tells me I forgot to post last night.  And I answer in disbelief pretty sure that I had pressed publish.  Here I am at the end of my day and it has been a fantastic happy day but it is an effort to think let alone write.

Dad and I actually changed our clocks and got to church on time.  There is no minister yet but the lay preacher does a fine job filling in.  I am sure it takes a lot of energy to prepare a sermon.  This is a picture of the stained glass window where the sun is just shining in and what a blessing to have another sunny day.   As I sit I meditate on the thought that spiritual contemplation changes your brain in totally different ways than the study of other things like history or evolution; because it strengthens a unique neutral that specifically enhances social awareness and empathy!  

After church dad and I have lunch at our good friends house with the group that had been a study group for many years.  It was good to catch up on what has been happening in their lives.  We talk a lot about families and grandchildren especially. There was another birthday cake with candles to blow out.  Two others had birthdays bedside dads.P3080159

Then it is into the car and drive over to Sandra and Randy's for another delicious meal.  It is beyond belief what you can do with veggies that replace potatoes and rice or noodles

(Our times are distinquished by wonderful achievements in the field of scientific understanding.

But let us nor forget that knowledge and skills alone cannot lead humanity to a happy dignified life
Humanity has every reason to place the proclaimers of high moral standards and values above the discoverers of objective truth.

What humanity owes to personalities like Buddha, Moses and Jesus ranks for me higher than all the achievements of the inquiring and constructive mind.)  -Albert Einstein

Here I am patting my stomach in disbelief that I have eaten so much !and enjoyed every bite and every minute!  Dad had has already fallen asleep at his computer.

Our drive home with the setting sun.


Anonymous said...

Looks very nice , sun is staying uo longer and longer.

Sandra said...

Ok, well now i have it figured out no more false accusations. I am surprised you stayed up and got your blog done, I thought you were looking a little sleepy by the time you left.

beth bennett said...

Yes I was very tired but you can always do what you really want to do.
Actually I was sleepy when we arrived and because we were a tad early thought maybe I could get a rest while you and Randy slaved away. With good results! !
love mom