Saturday, March 7, 2015


It is good to have a goal that is obtainable.  Both dad and I had our exercise today.  The secret for me is to do it first thing in the morning and it is a might chilly.  Then the sun touches the earth and warms everything up and it feels so good.

If I go for my walk I feel like I have obtained one goal for the day.

Dad and I then drive to the library together and I pick up a book on how God changes your brain.

"Not only do prayer and spiritual practice reduce stress and anxiety, but just twelve minutes of meditation per day may slow down the aging process." 
"Contemplation a loving God, rather than a punitive God reduces depression and increases feelings of security, compassion and love".
"Actual faith is not necessary, atheists who meditate on positive imagery can obtain similar benefits."
-Andrew Newberg, M.D.

This is obtainable for me as I begin my morning with prayer and continue it on my walk.

To-morrow dad and I will be off to church.  We have missed the last two Sundays and we may have a new minister so that will be interesting.  There is a real sense of community in our church which is a healthy benefit. 

In the afternoon we will have a lunch with our old study group friends.  Everyone has gotten so busy we just meet every so often to catch up the news.

"Whatever is good for your heart is good for your brain,
and whatever is good for your brain is good for your heart".     -Daniel G. Amen

Exciting end of the hockey game!  !


Steady-as-rain said...

I hope the new Minister does well at the church tomorrow. I liked the other chap as well.

No snow here for a long time but I am skeptical and won't take the sand bags out of the car yet.



nancy-Lou said...

It is good for us seniors to set goals that are obtainable....keeps our minds young. I always feel better when I am busy.

Your goals of an early walk, prayer and contemplation are very worthy goals...also you have the goal of writing your blog daily, to which you are very faithful.

It is the final day of the Men's Briar and two games are on the agenda today....walks, cooking etc have to work around the games!

We watched hockey too, last night, along with curling. The Jets won....I doubt they will make the playoffs with so many injuries, but their team is a strong team now.

I wish you a wonderful relaxing Sunday.

Love, nancy

Anonymous said...

We are in Autumn here. The sun is still warm but it is rather cool. 23C perfect . Jassy and Matty love to ride their bikes . My gums are slowly healing , kind of annoying . My dentists are nice Asian guys. the surgeon is Japanese and the specialist is Vietnamese. both nice guys in their early thirty's. They go easy with the charges ( fees ) because I have no private heath insurance. I am working late shifts for the next three days. Get home around 1am . Melina doing earlies wed and Thursday , which means I will be up the the kids at 7am...ugh , but at least I can nap in the arvo with them all at school.


beth bennett said...

Back to your busy schedule Ken. I am thankful you are healing and hopefully over the worse.
The children are getting so grown up both riding bikes now.
Yes, rest while you can that is so important.
love mom