Thursday, March 5, 2015


The blossoms are out but notwithstanding it is still only March.  I like that word notwithstanding but it is hard to find how to use it.  I understand it is a legal word.

I find out that I have been classified as senile on my patient chart; notwithstanding I passed all the tests I was given.  I guess it explains some of the attitude I have been getting from my doctor. 

Anyway, I answer people when they ask how I am doing I say "much better".  That seems to be a good answer.  And it is the truth.  Anyway I am enjoying life!  I find exercise and also rest are the best things for me and like dad says do not over do it.

Susan arrived with a big pot of cabbage and hamburger stew which was delicious.  Also some very good brown bread which was so good it was hard to cut.  In the end dad's knife from his mom's kitchen did the job.  And yes very good bread for me too.

P3040126Leah brought some peanut butter cookies home made which are my favorite and a very fancy cake for dad.  We had a delightful lunch and it was good to visit with a close small  group.  Leah is doing well at the Children's hospital, taking courses and enjoying her work;  and Susan is progressing with her intuitive healing gifts. 
P3040125                                         After they left I took Haiti for a walk as she was a little upset that she had been not allowed to visit.  She barked very hard when Leah came and Kim said not to take any chances. She can be unpredictable.

 Haiti is much better behave when Kim is here.

It is so cute Haiti sits so straight and keeps her eyes on Kim while she is cooking and eating and never begs.  She seems proud that she is doing so good.


Sandra said...

Poor Haiti, she must have bean so sad. I should drop by for a visit. But, I no not come with all that food, hope that is OK.


nancy-Lou said...

Nowthatisabigword. Notwithstanding that mine is not legal and yours is legal! goodness one would not suspect that in your writings, Beth. Why would the doctors not tell you that.and you have to find that out on your chart. Regardless you do very well. You are active and full of life.

That was very thoughtful of Leah and Susan to bring you all those goodies and gluten free too! You have so many people who care for you a large family and group of friends.

Kim is wise to keep Haiti away from people she doesn`t know...if she is a little uncertain.

It is very cold it has been all the month of February. When we open the door the ice fog rushes in. The only consolation is it has to get warmer soon.

This is your visiting day and my day for teaching piano lessons. I have organized some painting workshops at the Selkirk ARts Centre for spring(adults) and also at Powerview school for kids...looking forward to it.

Have a wonderful day Beth,

Love, Nancy

Steady-as-rain said...

It was nice Leah and Susan came by for a visit and even brought lunch.

That Jesus and Paul book sounds interesting. Jesus, it seems to me, wasn't interest in starting a new religion, and certainly not in having people worship him. But Paul was interested in starting a new religion, and he succeeded! In some ways, we worship Paul and not Jesus, if you look at it that way.



beth bennett said...

Thanks for the comments.
I think the writer of the book Jesus and Paul may like Paul the best but I will see. A lot of people do not like him.

Yes I am going visiting.

Love mom

Anonymous said...

Two young australian boys are getting put to death by firing squad in Indonesia . The drug trafficked ten years ago . They have both been rehabilitated in that time . But the Indonesians won't listen and plan to kill them tomorrow . Massive debate here I'd the should or shouldn't get put to death. They tried to smiggle 12kg of heroine. Google it . Interesting story. My gums /teeth are itchy and painful as the gums heal. My fake teeth don't fit .i am seeing the dental surgen Sat am and hopefully they can resize my false teeth.

Anonymous said...

I understand they are very harsh on drug traffickers in those countries. Can your politicians help an plead their case?
How upsetting that your teeth do not fit but I hope they can resize them.
Dad is watching hockey and says it is not exciting.
Love mom

Anonymous said...

second worse game of the year!! maybe todays will be better ( sj sharks ) Nice of Susan and Leah.