Thursday, October 20, 2016


Dad and I really appreciated Kim dropping Haiti off for a visit on her way to school.
 She was happy to see us but sad to see Kim go so she waited by the door.
She perked up when I found the leash and off we went for a good walk.
The day was pleasantly warm and still lots of fall colours around.

My morning had begun very quietly and I took the time to appreciate my surrounds and a warm home.  I was thinking how much I appreciate our little church in the woods and think it is worth an effort to try and save it.  I think many will realize what a loss it is if it stops providing a refuge from our busy lives.  When we first moved there the doors where always open and you could go and sit in a pew and take time to know the beauty of holiness and the sacredness of being human. 

All is still until the noisy garbage guys come down the street banging the back bin shut with each addition.  Yes I do appreciate these hard working young fellows and today they took away an extra item I was not sure they would take.  It is a lot of work sorting and putting out three containers.  One for regular garbage and then the compost and then the blue box etc.

As I take Haiti for her walk to the park I appreciate the changing seasons and the colourful show that nature puts on. 

I appreciate the fact that I can believe that every human being is created in the image of God.  There is no life that does not deserve respect and understanding.  Some seem to have an easier way while others face hardships and wounding of their souls from the beginning. 

"God  loves you who ever you are,
whatever you have done,
however you are scared by past mistakes,
with an outrageous Love, unconditional and inclusive."  -Steve Chalke

We now have opportunities to carry this unconditional love with us through our day.


Sandra said...

The day started for me with lots of traffic as there was an accident on the bridge. While I did not appreciate that, I did choose the right lanes both times I hit the buildups, so that was good. And I did appreciate that I did not run out of gas since my gas indicator started blinking.

And yes, it was so nice to have the sun shine out.


nancy-Lou said...

Ahhh who wonderful to have Haiti come for a visit. There isn't much better than the company of a dog. She is a beautiful dog isn't she...lying on the mat by the door. I hope she comes by soon again.

I appreciate a quiet start to the day too. I have to go out as soon as I come downstairs to feed the birds and they are all waiting, greeting me with their various songs. This morning was the coldest one yet with frost outlining the patterns on the leaves and coating the roofs.

Our Anglican church is fortunate to have a lay person who has training as a DEacon and she takes the service every second Sunday. But I think it will be closing in the next year or two. So sad to see these icons of the communnity gradually be razed or turned into a home.
It is surprising to see how many small Ukrainian Catholic churches are sprinkled throughout our area. Sometimes within just a few miles of each other. The round domes and crooked crosses are markers. Sadly these churches ahve been long abandoned.
The Ukrainian people settled in the farming area to the north and east of Winnipeg many years ago. Their legacy lives on in the wonderful Borst soups, perogies and Holupchi...cabbage rolls that we make. although we aren't Ukrainian we have many good Ukrainian friends. The restaurants also make these delicious foods.

The past couple of weeks have been gloomy and wet. Not good news for the spring forecast of flooding along the Red River.

Have a wonderful day,
Love, Nancy

Unknown said...

Good morning It is still very dark outside as l write this . l will appreciate the return of light in the morning but not the earlier fading of light in the evening when the hour drops back. Geof and l went to he hairdresser's yesterday. We now use the same one and she is very good .She is the one friend that Samantha had for many many years who stuck by her to the end.Also we had lunch out at a very popular restauraunt on east hastings east of the PNE grounds.It is called X-iting and the prices are very reasonable.The news from Colebrook is very saddening .It really is the centre for much of the life in the area and contributes greatly to the community.My cousin's church in Horseshoe bay went through the same kind of problems and struggled on for many years .Thank-you for the encouraging blog this morning l really liked your quote and your addition .much love , Jane.

beth bennett said...

I do appreciate hearing about your day,

Love mom