Sunday, October 30, 2016


The morning is calm and the sun is making an appearance.
No time for a walk as I am trying to get to church on time.

I am thankful for the quiet grace of the spirit which adds so much to my life.  I love the early morning and it is so easy to sense that there is a loving presence that is shining away the darkness.  I slept better too although fire crackers were going off in the park near us.

I love the banners that creative people hang up for different times of the year.  Helen took the service with the help of Ken and his granddaughters.  They helped light the Christ candle and help take the offering.  The littlest one was taken to the back, she is about 6 months.  All of a sudden there is movement under my feet as she crawls underneath the pews to the front.  I think back to when I had my children in church and how I would try to keep them still and quiet. 

There were only the three children and we were wondering is people want their children to be taught if that is the reason they are not coming.  Any children that come are greeted with friendly faces and kind words.

Some ladies at the church have knitted a beautiful prayer shawl especially for dad.
It is so soft and warm and knitted with loving prayers and kind hands.  We are so blessed.

Faith for me is the spark of light and life that soaks into to me as I pray at home and then at church surrounded by loving kindness!


nancy-Lou said...

Aren't the banners pretty? People at our church make them too. That is a lovely prayer shawl...the blue colours and pattern are very nice. Thanks for the pictures, Beth you always post interesting photos.

We are being entertained this morning by a large buck "hot on the trail" of a doe. The doe runs through our yard with the buck in close chase. The doe's fawns have been run is a fenzied time of year and the buck in particular don't take time to eat....they have one thing on their mind and that is all. The poor doe is terrified and so far wants nothing to do with him.

The large buck won't last long as people night light and shoot them. We have had shots whiz by our house at night and our neighbours house was shot last year.
They were shining the spot light in our yard a couple of nights ago.
There also has been a rash of break ins. People are riding ATVs and breaking into sheds to steal ATVs and snowmobiles and they are breaking into cottages and permanent residents homes. The RCMP stopped a semi truck going into Winnipeg and it was filled with stolen ATVs and snowmobiles...all from a 25 km area including here.

Well I have found the entry hole for the mice...thank goodness. I trapped 15 mice in the last couple of weeks. They burrowed down 4 feet in sand and got under our foundation. Hard to believe..but they did. So we are off to the hardware store for some supplies. WHEW so glad to know where they are getting in. We will have to dig down about 5 feet and put something afixed to the house that will keep them out...maybe hardware cloth...also get steel wool for plugging the holes and some spray foam.

Carl sees the doctor about his colonoscopy today. He has to have the colonoscopy before the lowers his immune system.

Your church sounds like a loving warm place to be. What time are the question mark...just French punctuation. grrrrr

Well I must get busy...Monday always means housework

Have restfull day,
Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I just had that happen to my computer too Nancy, could not get the french to disappear. For me it is because I let the kittens walk all over the key board. When I am first letting them get use to me I will take my lap top into their room and watch Netflix. It never takes very long before they are out from under the bed and stepping on all the wrong keys.

Randy was home yesterday which is a very good thing. I was too tired to think. Did a bit of cleaning and dusting, the little that I can get to since furniture is still either out in the storage pop or covered by tarps.

Randy went to the dump, bought the base boards and painted them, then went to the grocery store and made supper. I had a nap.

Peanut is now on estrogen and I have to give her injections for her knees. It was my first time giving a needle (they had me do it there at the vets office) and it felt very weird.

Last night she on our walk she would not pee because there were lots of fireworks going off so I was up with her at about midnight.


Unknown said...

yes it is heart warming as well a literally warming to receive a prayer shawl .it is very sad that a loving community like colebrook is experiencing so many losses.l really miss the church family and have not yet settled in at WVCC. although we have met some friendly people , butas yet we are not involved in small groups . There will be a gigantic flea market sale on Nov. 5th with lots of really good stuff especially books and clothing.We are very much a throw away society .They have this sale twice a year and the amount of stuff available is overwhelming. l hope the weather stays fine and that all will be safe for the hob goblins trick or treating tonight and that our adolescents stay out of trouble. My grandmother lost a brother in a firework accident many years ago. It is a hard time for dogs when fire works are going off near bye l remember one of our dogs running away petrified. nevertheless Happy Halloweee-------n. Love Jane.

Anonymous said...

Took the kids trick or treating yesterday. About 10 people answered their doors. We had about 10 kids come to our house. Halloween is still seen as an a American holiday here. Melina had her procedure yesterday. Home by 1pm. She went ok , just a bit Nauseous after the drugs. All good so far. She gets the results in a week or two.

beth bennett said...

Nancy I knew you had lots of animals running wild
but robbers too. It really is a crime.
Glad you have found the mice entrance. and one problem will be solved.
I feel bad for Karl that is a miserable test.
Larry is very down these last few days with painful feet.
They give him bad shocks too.

Sandra sorry you were so very tired.

I am extremely tired but I know I have always had that problem.
I do a little and then rest. Dad and I were happy to get home from
our visiting which was enjoyable but tiring for us both.
I am thankful I can walk a bit and take pictures and read.
I am thankful we have each other,

Ken did Melina have another test. She will be happy that is over.
Love mom