Tuesday, October 25, 2016


safe in the mothers' loving arms.
She has been having a visit with dad and myself.
She will be fast asleep I think when we leave as we had disturbed her earlier.

I am thinking we was must be important people as dad and I had congratulations from the Queen on out 60th wedding  anniversary.  A milestone that is for sure.

Before visiting Leah and Ophelia (Is my spell checker right) I am not sure I had a visit with Joyce at the Senior's home.  It was very quiet maybe they were all playing bingo.  Joyce was pleased to see me but she gets tired quickly.  I know when it is time to leave when she asks me to pray for her,.

Both visits where pleasant and cheerful and made out day more meaningful.  I

Our day would have been boring and dull if we had not made the effort to go out.


Steady-as-rain said...

Yes, you spelled Ophelia right. :)

I have a treadmill test on November 1st.



nancy-Lou said...

My goodness Ophelia looks like a little doll, she is so tiny. Such a touching photo of you holding her on your knee Beth. It made me think that you must have held many babies in your lifetime. A lot more than me, with only two sons and one granddaughter. My family have a history of only children...my mom was one and so am I. My two cousins are only children too and this is a time before birth control.

Carl has the approval from our provincial pharmacare for the infusion of the drug Rituxan. It will be in three to four weeks and he will have to spend two 6 hour days at the clinic in Winnipeg. So that is good news. His RA is raging and his hands are almost useless. They look like boxing gloves and the fingers are deformed and sliding off to one side.

You are so kind to go and visit the people at the nursing home, Beth. Carl and I are going to go and visit one of the ministers and his wife, who took services at our church, years ago. He married our son. He is 94 and British....he is one of the few veterans left from WW1. A wonderful man with a super sense of humour.

Good luck to Rick with his stress test. Better eat your wheaties that morning!

Well I am off to see the dentist again......the infection is uncomfortable. Hope for good news.

Have a wonderful day,

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

I think Ophelia looks like she is starting to grow? It is good that you got to go over and visit her. The traffic played havoc with the plans for the kitten pick up yesterday, they ended up getting deliver to my house after 9. Made for a very late night for me, I am usually in bed by 8:30. They are very unsocial and so Randy and I will have our work cut out getting them use to people and all that goes along with be a friendly house cat.

I hope you feel better soon Nancy, it is so disruptive having mouth/teeth issues.

Oh, and your friends house sold, the one down by me.
