Thursday, March 29, 2018


Happiness is having a visit with Leah and Ophelia and Astrid.  Grandpa enjoys it too.  We are so happy that they come and visit.

Watching Ophelia play.  Some of the same toys her mother played with.

 Trying to capture a smile.  I feed her her bottle and she is talking and smiling but not now.

Playing with Ophlia
We build it and then she destroys it and laughs.
She even gives me a ug when she leaves!

It is a rainy cold day, not fit for any gardener.worth their salt.

Aneta and I are becoming good friends.  It is good to have some one to walk with even on a cold wet morning.  Listening and sharing our own stories and also sharing hope have become a meaningful part of my day.

Happiness for me has been being a mom, imperfect but doing my best
but Grandchildren and great grandchildren are a blast!

Happiness is the love we feel for each other!


nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful Leah brings the children for a visit often. Did you look after her often when she was a child? it is a good thing you kept the toys so they can be used again!

Lovely family photos...Larry look very happy with the visitors.

isn't that nice that you have a good friend who will walk with you even in bad weather? I am so glad she is there for you, Beth.

We had a quiet day..but I did make salmon burgers for supper with cole slaw and 24 chocolate cupcakes to take to the Easter supper on Saturday. I will take a lemon pie and an apple pie as well. I am really looking forward to the supper with Shelley and her daughters.

Well I am off to bed early to read my book. It is written by Ann Easter Smith and is called the Daughters of York. it is the second book I have read by her and I like her style of writing.... a true story telling style along with some very interesting British history.
they are large books and about 700 pages. soft cover which is easier for me to hold.

I hope you have a good book to read as well, Beth,

Take care,
Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy I do.

right now because it is Holy Week
according to the church year
I am reading "The Secret Messaf=ge of Jesus."

An alternate vision of the Christian Faith.

We are both so blessed.

Love Beth