Friday, March 30, 2018


                                     Still searching for answers to some difficult questions.

 Good Friday reminds me that we all face difficult times when it seems all is darkness.

What seems like the end can be the beginning.  The story of the last days of Jesus contain all the agony of human betrayal, unanswered prayer, the denial of his best friend ; the painful trail and mockery of those who will take his life.

A powerful story that speaks into our lives today.

I had a quiet day today making a few phone calls and then a trip to Langley to Chapters.  Yes I bought another book to add to my pile.

I am thankful that I still have questions that keep me searching!

In the darkness the light shines with the promise of hope and peace.


Sandra said...

Our searching is centered around what box has what at the moment. In the new place and slowly but surely shuffling stuff around till it finds a place to stay.

beth bennett said...

Hope you feel our love surrounding you and Mary,
Simone and Sebastien.

Love Momand Dad

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, I too send caring thoughts as Mary and the children start on their new life. Moving is such a hard job to do...but soon it will be all over and they can look forward to better times. Take care Sandra and Mary.

Easter time makes me remember all the wonderful services at church...with the Allelulias ringing out. I always enjoyed playing for Eastertime. Not so much for Good Friday and it was so glum...and rightly so. The alter was always stripped for Good Friday...but come Easter was filled with many beautiful and joyous things. Our congregation brought their Easter plants and then left them for the ministry to take to shut ins.

Today we are celebrating Easter early, with Shelley and her daughters and our of her daughters is married and her husband will be there as well. So it is a combined family dinner. Very exciting and hoping for many more good times together. Shelley is one of the most loving and thoughtful people I know...we are so blessed.

Are you going out for Easter dinner tomorrow? I will just cook a small ham and cook a turkey another time when I can have Shelley's family here. She will help me.

BRRRr it was -21 this morning with a wind chill of -28. There is Artic weather coming in with a north wind...and they say it will be here for another 12 days. Oh well, we will enjoy spring when it finally arrives. At this time last year the streams were they are all iced up still.

Well I wish you a wonderful Happy Easter, Beth and Larry...may joy come to you tomorrow and throughout the coming year.

Love, nancy

beth bennett said...

Thank you Nancy.

Sounds like a wonderful time with your family.

We will go to church but no invitations out.

Sometimes quiet days are good too.

Love beth

Shandel said...

It waa really lovely to chat for a few moments on Friday. Thank you for calling. We enjoyed a day of staying home and relaxing. Today (sunday) we took an extra walk in the afternoon, the sun is shining bright and you can smell spring through our second winter.