Monday, June 4, 2018


                                         Unexpected sunshine but still cold.

Yesterday at church and when I came home I was reminded of the unexpected.  The Scripture reminded us of the unexpected appearances of angels and the stories we heard confirmed that they are real.

Looking back dad and I have found ourselves in unexpected circumstances, from snow storms in Saskatchewan to road blocks by an avalanche on the mountain to unexpected pregnancies. Just a few examples.

I talked to Jane on the phone and realized how greatly her life has been affected by the unexpected.  It can change our whole outlook on life and leave us searching for answers.  We both miss our long walks and talks we had weekly.

Dad fixed the front porch by putting in a new board looks good and will be safer.

I found the perfect birthday card for Simone, a fairy with a wand.  I walked over and got it mailed.  I am sure she will have a perfect "fairy" birthday for a 5 year old little girl.

In the afternoon I suggested we visit our friend Ev. who has undergone heart surgery.  Se is looking great even though there were some unexpected complications.

In life we try to anticipate what our future may hold and as we grow older we know that we can never know because the unexpected can happen at any time.  Jesus said not to worry about to-morrow but to live in the beauty of the present moment.


Sandra said...

The unexpected certainly has its pros and cons. Life would be very boring if it was all predicable. I need to plan more unexpected things to shake my life up a bit I think. : )

I get 3 new kittens today. They are older just like the last two, but as they are from a feral colony of cats they like them to get a bit more handling to get used to people before they send them out into the world. I find these older ones so hard to let go of though, since their real personalities are coming through.


beth bennett said...

Yes Sandra unexpected can be good.

Those are very luck kittens.

You will win there hearts I know.

Love mom