Saturday, July 4, 2009


No it is not because I have been reading too many Dora The Explorer. Do they have Dora in Aussie Land? ? ?

It is because grampa loves maps and I get a little lost in the water-shed park; just ask Shauna and Stephen. We also have a plan. I get up and go for a short 30 minute walk in the early fresh morning and then I go for another with dad after he eats, reads the paper etc.

We are enjoying having Mary and Michael John here. They work all different hours so they seem to pop in and out. Mary has to find out about her immuniation records today and then help Sandra, the baker, bake cookies [I hope not with that fag hanging out of her mouth. I think Michael John is going to work at 3.

I am feeling great and keeping everyone in my prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yes we have Dora down under .
and the wiggles of course .