Sunday, June 24, 2012


Sweet dreams Ben and Morgan

Gramma Panteli and Great Grannie are off to bed with the children.  A fun but exhausting day!  I think I hear a noise so I go in to cover them up.  Ben opens his eyes and smiles.

Children have so very much energy and we were so busy going here and there.  A one point I went into the bathroom and locked the door just to have some time to do what you usually do in a bathroom, and I hear some one trying to force the lock with a knife.  Believe it or not it was your dad! He did not know it was me and thought the door was locked by mistake.

I was comparing coaching to our going to church.  A coach tries to instill faith in the players and our minister does the same.  Often the coach has to correct the players to teach them the right way; our minister has a new and different slant on "religion". 

Today he compares Goliath to the bully that we have to face in our own lives.  But we are reminded that even this big mean giant is worthy of being redeemed. 

We are reminded to keep growing and learning and see the other person's point of view.  Be prepare the coach warns and rely on each, other you are a part of a team.

The coach then sends them on to the field and our minister sends us out to be gifts in a needy world.

We have a little charmer named Eva who is the same age as Jazzy in Australia.  She goes and stands by the minister and does a little dance when we sing a hymn.  She is so adorable.  I am so excited to see our family, one by one, as they come from distances. 



nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful for you and Larry to have such a large and fun family.There never seems to be a dull moment....even when you retreat to the bathroom, someone is trying to "break in!" I had a good laugh. You are so funny Beth and I love how you don't hold back, no matter what it just say it! Nice pics of your family and the kids at the soccer game. Ben is getting so tall now and Morgan is as cute as a bug's ear. Have fun....but don't get too tired. Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

How wonderful for you and Larry to have such a large and fun family.There never seems to be a dull moment....even when you retreat to the bathroom, someone is trying to "break in!" I had a good laugh. You are so funny Beth and I love how you don't hold back, no matter what it just say it! Nice pics of your family and the kids at the soccer game. Ben is getting so tall now and Morgan is as cute as a bug's ear. Have fun....but don't get too tired. Love, Nancy

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