Friday, July 6, 2012


Beautiful dreamer awake unto me.
The whisper of the sun is the gentle whisper of Love.

I believe that there is an energy in nature that can restore life and hope to us.  That in some way there is a spirit of gentleness that calls us by name and whispers secrets into our hearts.  All I have to do is to be silent, like a person waiting for a train, they have their ticket and they are just waiting.  Not trying to listen just waiting.  Life goes on around us.

I did not go to the Seniors Home because I wanted to be here when Carol and Panteli returned from Tssawwasen and then  they head out to Chilliwack again.  Morgan is having her birthday party on Sat. so lots to do to get ready for a day of fun.

The funny thing is that when I visit Jim I just sit with him and wait for him to talk and sometimes he does and sometimes hardly at all.  I am glad he now has Fran to also sit and talk to him.  The flame of life who made him who he once was is flickering.

The three ladies I visit Fran, Helen and Margaret are friends now so that is good.  They attend things together and are able to enjoy the life they have.

Dad and I spent the afternoon chatting to Carol and we had a very good visit.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'll try and call Carol again today.

I'm sure Jim appreciates you being there, in his own way.

