Wednesday, July 25, 2012


The sun usually shines on my birthday

Thank you dad, and Carol and Panteli and Sandra and Rick for my cards.

Yes the toaster oven is probably easier than the computer.  lol

I like cute little mice when they are on a card.

I am looking forward ro going to chapters thanks Carol and Panteli!

Dad and I are driving out to Chilliwack for my birthday with their family.  Kim will come home with us and she can probably come over on Sunday to Sandra's.  Kim and Theresa are going to Victoria on Thrusday.

I would have liked to go to Salt Spring it would have been really  great fun; but also exhausting. 
It is time as we get older to give way to the young but life  has been wonderful being surrounded with such love!

Dad has gone out shopping for something far more expensive than I would ever buy but he takes pleasure in doing that.  He came home with a lovely blouse and he went to so many stores trying to find the right thing.

I find in so many ways I am more contented now and feel so blessed with family and friends,

I do love reading your comments and hearing your opinions and experiences.

Reading my book "Amen" it says that the whole essence of religion is revealed in the sinplist act of prayer.  It is not the dogma, the institutions, rites or moral ideas but love calling to love!

Prayer for me has always been going into a empty room and closing the door on the world around me.  Right now the room has no windows which is unusual;  empty but spacious..  One by one I pray for those on my heart.
This is an act of creativity that is unexplainable.  I know the room looks empty but it is not.
I feel that in some way I am connected to God and aware that within me there is a sacred place, a shelter, a time for reconcilliation, a time to feel all my pain for others and let it go to be a part of a "cosmic specialness".  Love heals the soul and sometimes that is all we can do is offer love and prayers. 

Prayer has been as natural to me as breathing.  All I can do is suround each person I am praying for with God's love and know that His healing power is with them.  I close the door and say thank-you Jesus.

                    Wondeerful Memories of the Happy Times! ! !


Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mom.

Glad you liked the card. :-)



beth bennett said...

I did thanks. I changed my picture. love mom

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mom. Have fun with all the young ones today.

Anonymous said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY from Carol and Panteli! I would have written earlier but the power has been off for the whole island since 6:00 AM and still not sure when it'll get back on. Carol is at work because her building has a backup generator and I am at a swanky hotel right now which also has a back-up generator.

If you see Kim, tell her that the Brazilian guys next door to her old unit want a roomate and were asking about her.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday Mom. Hope you have a wonderful day.
Love Ken,Melina ,Tyler,Brittany,Hobey,Jesse,Matthew and Jasmine.

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, may your birthday today be the best one yet and the year to follow give you good health, happiness and lots of family times together. Did you have a gluten free cake? That was so special of Larry to go and buy you a blouse...many husband's just can't be bothered! Good for you Larry!
I almost came to Vancouver next week and was thinking I could finally meet you...BUT the timing was wrong. My best friend is working there ( doing a drug study at Vancouver General Hospital) and I would have had free hotel room, free airline flight...BUT this weekend is our craft sale and I am the manager...there always is so much to be done afterwards. My friend, Gina, may have to go back in the fall and if so...we will meet at the Sylvia for lunch! Love, Nancy