Friday, July 27, 2012


                                          It is hard sometimes to feel that you are different.

 It has taken me a long time to realize that I am different than others.  We all are who we are, no matter how much it complicates our lives and the lives of others.

My two best friends and myself all went to Sunday School yet I was the only one who continued to go to church.  I got married and became a mom right away.  They went to University and became a nurse and a teacher.  Our lives would have a different rhythm in many ways.  Although it would be easy to talk to them if we got together.

I have never had a desire to be fashionable and I think the hippie style would suite me just fine.  I have never been good at dancing or singing although I love to sing and have on occasion danced around the house to Vineyard upbeat music.  The dancing was like worship and a wonderful way to express my love for Jesus.  Music renews one's energy.

Over the years I have gotten less and less interested in entertaining and I never have had a desire for fancy dinnerware.  I guess that is why some of our good cutlery ended up digging up the yard.

You would think a good old prairie girl would tan properly but instead I have white spots all over my arms.  I will always love the prairies and I think that is why I am fascinated by the sky as we could see so much of it.  Like it was the whole world.  I like times of solitude and quiet.

I know what it is like to be sick and have to rest a lot.  I was very happy when I was told I had celiac because we finally knew what was wrong. The worry of not knowing had taken it's toll.   I did not realize that it would still cause me pain and discomfort years later.

I continue to visit the sick because I have an empathy and I am not afraid. 
Some journeys are difficult.
Dad did his walk in the Water Shed and I did half a walk.  Saved some energy to cut the grass and do some work in the yard.  Everything is so overgrown I feel discouraged again.  O well.

Thanks everyone for the birthday greetings.  Yes, I enjoyed my day.  Kind words and thoughts are always appreciated.  Thank you for cards too.

Thanks for the basket of goodnies Ken and Melina and family I really was not expecting that and you know you really spoil me.. 


Anonymous said...

Well, Saskatoon is the city, not really the prairie ... I mean, you weren't a farm girl.



Anonymous said...

With everyone being so different it is amazing we somehow manage to still all get along. Well for the most part. I love to dance, pretty dishes make me happy and I may not get brown as a berry any more(what berries are brown?) but not pale that is for sure. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Beth, the more I read about you the more we have in common! Fancy things are not for me fact my dishes do not match and neither does my for clothes, the old ones are the best, jeans and t shirts. New things hang in my closet, waiting to come out and be worn. It might be awhile! Entertaining was something I used to enjoy, but not anymore. Small informal dinners with close friends, or family are fine....but the large BBQ's are gone. The best thing is...I don't care what others may Popeye said, "I yam what I yam!" Is that how you feel too? Off to the club to setup for the craft sale. Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Have you seen the BBC series Mrs. Brown's Boys? It is absolutely hysterical. Mrs. Brown is a man dressed as a woman. She uses the "F" word a lot, but with the Irish accent at least it comes across as something different...otherwise it is very good. One almost has to "wear diapers" to watch it as you laugh so much. There are 8 episodes each year and there are two years worth now..16 in all.
love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Dancing around the house to good music is so great as no one can see you.

I have cleaning music - and more seems to get cleaned. Well not lately.

There are all kinds of wonderful music to uplift the heart.

Keep on dancing Beth.
