Friday, July 13, 2012


Some people have the gift of drawing and painting the amazing sights of nature.  They paint what they see in their own way and it brings enjoyment to all who see their work.  We all our creative in our own way.

I love to watch my great grandchildren draw.  Morgan is an avid drawer of rainbows and trees, little girls with pony tails, sun and stars and hearts abd moons,  piles of presents and even a fireplace for Santa.  She draws from her imagination.

Ben is drawing strange characters that he is copying from a book, very tough and crazy looking.  Ben has been more a reader and a builder of lego than a drawer of pictures.

Children are both curious and adventuresome.  Their imagination takes them beyond what they see.
I like to think of prayer as seeing wholeness where there is sickness.  I pray out of my own brokenness and thoughts that there will be mending in ways beyond our words and dreams.

Drawing and mending, fantasy and fiction, reality and intricacy are all a part of a mystical reality, a way of mystical seeing.

Mystical experiences are all around us.  A line of poetry, a passage of music, the sun shining on a leaf, the sight of a child splashing in a stream, a big dog barking at a little bug, the birds singing and flowers bloomimg.

In the beginning the Lord walked and talked with his creations.

Each of our world religions has a mystical tradition that has always drawn me beyond facts but still within reason, into new insights.  The book The Cloud of Knowing tells us that :all rational beings possess two faculties, the power of knowing and the power of loving,"  The fact is that we have lost that awareness of the Lord walking with us means we have lost the intimacy of knowing.

 Our first act upon being born is to breathe and take into ourselves the breath of life. 

We are now, in our lives, at a point of resting in a contentment. Yes. we are a part of the sacred circle of life, breathing in and breathing out.  Yes, I can still  find things to worry about.   In fact I can worry big time about my family.

Dad offered to go visiting instead of me, so off he went with his cane.  He picked up two mildshakes and Jim was so pleased to see him.  They coud talk about motorbikes and airplane

I mailed a parcel to Rick  (a bit early for his birthday)  and had a visit with Rosanna.  The family is taking her to look at Nursing homes with her health becoming so poor.  Other than that I sat in the back yard and read with a gentle wind teasing me.

Friday morning I woke up to thunder and big rain drops but it is just a passing shower.  Kim is
 planning to come here on Friday and I think they may go camping on the week-end.  I am guessing.
Waiting for a phone call.


Anonymous said...

Morgan and Ben do seem very full of life and energy and creativity.

Mysticism makes me nervous, largely because it can be attractive, but because it is largely emotional it can also be dangerous. But maybe that is just me - I love to worry.



Anonymous said...

It is so nice to feel the warmth of the sun these few days. It then makes you happy for the cool nights. Randy's mom is stage 4, her cancer has spread too much to operate now, but they are going to try chemo to see if it makes a difference. Sandra