Saturday, July 14, 2012


 One feels so small besides these huge trees, almost invisible  Love the blue of the sky.
"If you have a transcendentalist inclination , then moments when there is a heightened appreciation of our  natural world, you feel closer to the invisible one".  -Philipa Simmons

I also feel small when I take time to pray and feel invisible because I am taking time to think of others.  There is so much suffering all around us.  In prayer the God of the sky becomes the God within me.  Marcus Borg talks about being in "relationship" with a sacred reality.

Yesterday as we sat on our front porch a tow-truck came to create a lot of noise as he towed our neighbor's daughter poor old truck away.  We moved to the back yard where it is usually quiet but our neighbor turned on a noisy weed eater thing.  Just when we were hoping for a quiet visit we were surrounded by snarling machines.  Into our reality there comes disruption but also enjoyment.  Pleasure and pain, joy and sorrow, health and illness.  the good thing is that  if you are in pain and it stops then you feel so amazed and thankful.

Even under our feet there is beauty and activity as we see little ants and bugs busy at work.

I have a slow and steady walk all around and the ice pack on my back when I get home feels good.
I remember when I was young and the long walk I would have to go to get to the swimming pool.  Down and big hill, across the bridge and along the train tracks.  I would often stay there all day.

Summer is wonderful and I love all the different smells, the grass and the flowers and the fresh picked berries.  They remind me of my childhood.

I made a mistake as I published this and I already published one for sat.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If an ice-pack is necessary after a walk, then maybe the walk should be shorter?

The swimming pool you remembered walking to, it was in Saskatoon? It is funny how memories are. They tend to get nicer and nicer. Which is a good thing, I suppose.

