Sunday, July 1, 2012


                                  Who let the dogs out?  Do you remember that song?

Friday afternoon we drove through all the traffid to Sandra and Randy's house to let Lucy and Peanut out of their big cage.  It turned out to be a lovely warm day so we enjoyed sitting in the back yard and watching them sit and watch us.  It is such a beautiful yard.

Dogs all love your dad.  We enjoyed the quiet beauty of the big back yard; little tiny birds chirping away in the tree above us.  Such a big lawn to cut even if you like cutting lawns like I do.

My job was to throw the ball of string but it ended up all wrapped around me.

                                         Greener than green and growing by the minute.

That was yesterday and today is Saturday.  The weather man warned us to brace for rain and I could hear the rain as soon as I woke up.  I am prepared with rain pants and all.  Rain is easier to prepare for than some things in life. One of us manages to get out for a walk and I even cut my grass.

 I find that sometimes I get all wrapped up in the planning and I need to just sit and enjoy life!  To-morrow will take care of itself and even to-day may change.  Negative feelings replaced and transformed as we learn the lessons that we are being taught and the new meaning they can create in our lives.  I find that I have to go deeper into myself to find the capacity to grow stronger with God's help.

Surrendering to the mystery of the source of healing love that flows within takes thoughtful meditation.

"For whatever reason God chooses to make himself known primarily,  through ordinary people like you and me.  You see it is up to us to make Him visible."    Philip Yancy - What Good Is God?

"When faith opens out into a deep spiritual understanding and advances beyond the range of comcepts into a darkness that can only be enlightened by the fire of love, a man truly begins to know God in the only way that can satisfy the soul."

"Mystical prayer rises above the natural operation of the intelligence, yet is always intelligent"
Thomas Merton writing in Mircles, Longing and Mysticism.

Keep reading Rick and I trust you will continue to discover things you had never thought about before.  There are a lot of new discoveries and it appears they neeed to be put together like a puzzle.  Trouble is no one really has all the pieces. 

Today has been a good day for reading. 

Pleased to hear Matthew has a good report from school.

                 This is the little secret garden that Sandra worked so hard to create last year.



Anonymous said...

["For whatever reason God chooses to make himself known primarily, through ordinary people like you and me. You see it is up to us to make Him visible." Philip Yancy - What Good Is God?]

I don't think God has human personality or character. I don't think God chooses anything. As to making him/it visible, I suppose that depends whether you think god is different from the universe. I suppose the godshape probably is different from the universe, but it (God) will turn out to be small but perfect (maybe walnut-shpaed) idea.



PS Randy and Sandra do have a very nice backyard.

Anonymous said...

Theologians are men who have been likened to men who sit in a dark room discussing and trying to find a black cat who isn't there. A mystic comes into the room and finds the cat. Beth you are a mystic, in my view Hope to see you Today. Happy Canada Day. We are truly blessed to live in this remarkable country. Love Jane.

Anonymous said...

Happy Canada Day

I think I could have used the word love instead of God. I like the word the Old Testament uses "The Ancient of Days". A mystery that empowered JESUS to reveal that love!

God Keep Our Land

love mom