Tuesday, July 17, 2012


    Sorry to hear that Kenny and all the family are sick.  Do hope Jasmine will not have to get her tonsils out.  I prayed that knowing God loves our children more than we doand that  Jasmine will be healed.
Be with Melina in this stressful time.

Sorry you will not be coming for the wedding but we totally understand.

I think that I realize, now more than ever, how important it is for a girl, to not only be able to talk to God, but to have girl friends to talk to.

As I was watering the front garden four young girls rode by on their bikes and I started thinking about friendships.  They were laughing and taking and enjoying life.

When I look back over the years, which are now adding up, I realize how good friends have been there for me;  to share the good news and the not so  good news.  When someone lets you into their life and you become friends it is a very special gift.  Their friendship helps to keep me strong and resilient.

Honesty and trust are so important.  As I become more peaceful with myself I feel that I am becoming a better friend.  I can listen but not need to give advice.

I know when we moved to our new home, golly it is nearly 7 years ago, I felt bad about leaving my many friends.  I knew I would keep in touch with my best friend but I would miss friends that had walked with me up and down the hills.

I was amazed at how quickly I met a young Korean lady who needed a friend so we started walking together.  She was very depressed and needed some one older to talk to. Since then I have met others to walk with who have become friends.

One of the difficult times when my children were all small was the fact that everyone was too busy and distracted to be a friend.  Our very existence was frantic with all we had to do and cope with. 

So over the years some friends have fallen away, probably because of the lack of effort on both our parts.  It also makes a difference when your husband retires and life changes for both of us and we become closer friends.

Now I have been amazed at the new friends I am making with my blog.
 I am so grateful for good friends.

I am thankful for my daughters who are also my friends!


Anonymous said...

I have to admit your heading and subject made me very sad. I sourly miss not having girlfreinds and it makes my heart ache for what I use to have and no longer do. While the young girls at work are fantastic and I love how they include me even though I am as old as their mothers. There is just something different about being able to talk with your contemporairys, women of your own age going through simular situations with children, body changes, marriage issues. I guess I should just be thankful that I did have girl freinds when I needed them. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

What an appropriate subject for me today....as I walk through some tough times with a family member. My friend, Merrilee always cheers me up and is there to offer help if needed. I have known her for 20 years and we have been there for each other through good and bad times. We first met at a crafter's market and decided to put on our "own craft sales" 20 years ago and we have never had a disagreement. Sure there have been times when one has had to compromise...but never a fight! Our next craft sale is July 28th. Beth would you add us to your prayer list? I have been asked to not say anything for now....but a family member is ill. I will tell you more when I have permission. Your blog always inspires me to think about things...everyday your writings are interesting and your photos are wonderful. The pic today of the flowers and their colours is amazing. You are a good friend too...even though we haven't met! I am thankful. Love, Nancy

larry bennett said...

Yes it is funny how we (in this case male) go through life with friends in groups of time - public school friends - high school - college.
Then into the workforce where as an air traffic controller I had a very close group of about ten friends. We had so much in common and we all relied upon each other day in and day out - it was a very special friendship. Then there we my hockey friends - played with them for over 20 years.
But then comes familly - and I think for a man - much more than a woman - the focus slowely shifts away from non family and more towards children grandchildren - and in our case greatgrandchildren.
I only miss my friends from time to time but I dont think in the way women miss there friends.

I think women are very blessed too have such deep female friendships.

Anonymous said...

Does this mean Kenny and Melina (and assorted ankle-biters) aren't coming to the wedding?



Anonymous said...

Thanks for Matthews birthday card , we got it yesterday. We are going to the zoo for his birthday party.They has a thing called mini zoo keepers at werribee open plains zoo, the kids get to go behind the scenes and feed and touch animals.Matthew wants to work at the zoo when he grows up.
Jasmine a little better .