Sunday, July 22, 2012


                                                  My Butterfly Tree Sandra planted for us!

Had a mad dash to find my camera and then dad and I just sat there and watched it.

We like to think we are in control of our destiny but in reality we are frail and vulnerable given to sudden tragedy.  So it would appear that you cannot live for very long on this earth, without realizing a fundamental truth: we are not in totally charge or control of our fate.

We had a enjoyable supper out with Panteli and a leisurely drive to the airport.  I woke up in the night with an awful stomach ache and feeling very sick.  The good news is that dad did a good job getting me back to bed. 

There are times when we feel very blessed beyond our highest dreams, and at other times burdens and worries will be placed upon us.  I know that I am very fortunate in my life now to have the freedom to enjoy reading, watching  T.V. or going out for supper when ever we feel like it.  I can get up when I like and go to bed when I get tired. 

Looking back on my life there have been times when things did not turn out exactly as I hoped.  There have been unexpected changes that I have had to cope with.  If I am able to see that in these physical changes there is opportunity for character growth, for deeper courage and strength, and spiritual steadfastness

Am I in control?  No.
"The illusion of control is the besetting addiction, and delusion, of the Modern age."
---Anna Quindlen  from Lots of Candles, Plenty of Cake

I have made the wrong turn many times and gotten lost because I have a very poor sense of direction.
As a mother I may still confuse my children as they do the same to me at times.

Sometimes we need a little help.
 We can ask for help and this is part of our getting through the rough times.

Sometimes I realize that I have to just let things take their course and that all the good prayers and good works can not stop the whirlwind.

A quiet day today I want to go to church and maybe dad and I can do a walk later in the park.


Anonymous said...

Great picture of the butter-fly!

I think I got my poor sense of direction from you Mom.



Anonymous said...

Now that's a big butterfly !! Jassy still not 100 percent. Going back to the dr to check her tonsils again.

Shandel said...

WOW!! what a gorgeous butterfly!!!
i just love your photos, thank you for sharing.

Anonymous said...

yay! Finaly a butterfly found the butterfly bush.Did not make it over to Saltspring, but thought of them all often. Planted more wedding flowers as Shawna is leaning more towards oranges now.

nancy-Lou said...

What a pretty butterly bush and you have the butterfly too. Great pic, once again. What a wonderful daughter to plant the bush for you to enjoy. Sandra, I want to "borrow" you! It is too cold here to grow them...but wish I could. I was chuckling, when I read about you and Rick's "poor sense of direction", because I have a dear friend who has a terrible sense of direction. BUT....she will not admit it. Like when we are driving to church, which she has done many times from my house...and doesn't turn at the right intersection...I say, Gina, the turn was there...she replies, " oh I know, just going a different way!" Happens all the time and it isn't the way to church. I worry about her because she travels all over north america or work and I have no idea how she gets around. She is so funny. We had a great time painting together yesterday.