Tuesday, July 31, 2012


 Kim is ao much fun to have around.  We go for an evening walk in tghe Watershed Park.

           Learning to laugh at ourselves is good and helps me keep things in focus.. 

We are laughing at the sketches of Mother Brown.  Hilarious!  Thanks Nancy.

Sunday morning I walked through the park and stopped to take a few pictures.  I was weaving around trying to get the right shot and then noticed a man across the street staring at me.  I wanted to wave and tell him I am fine but he turned away.

I was trying not to get the garbage pail in the picture.

Dad did go to church with me but was sleeping when the offering was taken and had to be woken up to pass the plate.

We drove our car which has a security beeping system which is suppose to keep other cars and people away.  I could hear it beeping inside the church and thought O No.

Maybe I should spice up my blog a bit and when I go out for my walk I should sing and dance
"O What a Beautiful Morning" and everyone will think I have been taking stuff they recommend on T.V.    Now that would impress my 40 year old young man I meet on my walk!

Dad has started to pass gas in the most awkward places and very frequently.  Kids always think this is funny.  I guess this is one of the lowest common denominators for humor, and I finally learn to join in the laughter.

I have started waking up in the middle of the night with the hick-ups which is very annoying for both dad and myself.  But we have been given some cure all tea so it will probably help us both!

Maybe I am hoping no one will read this.  You only live once so why not have fun.

Kim made us a delicious supper and we ate outside with candles and wine glasses.  We asked Sandra over but she had had an exhausting day with washing skunk smelling dogs.

Dad and I finished our day with another walk with Kim in the Watershed Park.  Dad is doing so much better and seems like a new man.  Most important he is softer in his approach to life and more appreciative!

I was up in the night chasing the raccoon; feet flying down the stairs,  heart pounding, nightgown flapping, hands clapping  the chase is on;   away   from our garbage can because I could hear it rolling and banging on it.  It has no food in it but I did not want it making the mess of the few things in it.
Then I really should have had a diaper on.
I think whoever created all the strange creatures that we share this world with must have had a sense of humor.

Tuesday morning and I am fighting the urge to forget about praying and walking and go back to bed,
///but I will get dressed and that is my answer.


Anonymous said...

Dont forget to skip when you are singing and then you will really impress your young man. Lucy smells fine now, it is just the back door and patio area that got sprayed that still smells. Got the hot water tank working and managed to do some work at home so all in all not a bad day. Sandra

Anonymous said...

Kim is a fun person.



Anonymous said...

Good blog mom .

nancy-Lou said...

You are one humorous lady.....burps and farts and all! You can make a funny story out of anything and it sure does start my day off with laughter! Chasing racoons and should I say it......flirting with a younger man? What a character you are and so courageous to put it all in print! The Christian gleanings always bring a new thought to my mind and it is interesting to hear what you are reading. My problem right now is....I started to play a game on my ipad called bejewelled lightning and the only time I have to play it is bedtime! It steals away my reading time...so currently I am not reqading anything. I have lots of new books on my ipad though and once things slow down here, I will start to read again. You are a joy, Beth. It is so nice to "get to know" the Ateah cousins,out there through your pictures and blog. Aren't the girls pretty? All your girls are pretty and smart too. Love Nancy