Friday, October 25, 2013


The beauty of the leaves now lie still and dormant and the tree stands bare but with a ugly beauty.
Ugliness, sickness, fear and loss come into all our lives.  Some sadness never really goes away.
After I hung up the phone after Kim phoned about the rock hit her sun roof I left very sick to my stomach.  I have always been fearful when I know people are driving.  I had a dear charismatic uncle who was a drunk who died in a car crash and I remember so clearly the day my mom got the news.  I saw my mom crushed by the pain.
My other fear became the fear of drunkenness.  I want to scream at my grandchildren sometimes when they talk about all-night drinking and the discomfort and wasted day that comes after.  But I am also aware of the strength and courage of the human spirit that lives on in them.

I know that there is a healing presence that gives us strength .
Like the book of Job says we accept the good things that come along with faith and gratitude but when painful things happen it is difficult to see the sun while shine again. 
Above the clouds the light is always shining.

All new life has started as it emerges from the warmth and darkness of the womb.  It is the words of Jesus and his cry of anguish from the cross reminds me that goodness endures the pain of evil
“Darkness transfigures into light ,bad transfigures into good, empty transfigures into good but it takes time, months and maybe years.
God wastes nothing-and makes everything work out according to his plan”  Ephesians 1:11

“And grace that chooses to bear the cross of suffering overcomes that suffering by the grace of God.”
I believe in the death and the Resurrection of Jesus because it means the hand that holds mine is nail-scared and His own eyes fill with tears over the anguish that comes unwanted into our lives.
The Word becomes a real physical reality that knows all about pain and suffering.  New life with return in the spirit time and for now I am truly thankful for each one in my family.  They leave home and move away and you try to let them go but the heart holds on to them with the love that binds us all together.
   We are all held in the arms of grace that never lets any of us go no matter where we are!
I will have to rest today because I felt worse after yesterday and I want to have fun being with the family tonight.


Sandra said...

Double blog today? Lots of good mushroom pictures. I was driving home yesterday, contemplating the fate of a work mate who has just gotten the news he has terminal cancer, and thankful for the simple pleasures I had waiting for me at home when the car in front of me decided he did not like my driving. For the next 5 minutes he made constant rude, VERY rude gestures and then finaly tried to block me from my left turn on Scott Rd. The funny thing is he was so angry, no nasty and mean but because I was quite content to get home, at any pace since I knew what I was going home to that I never got up set, rather just kept smiling at his silly antics. Maybe it made him feel better? Yes, driving certainly has its challanges! Sandra

beth bennett said...

Good comments Sandra. Look forward to dinner to night.
love mom

Shandel said...

I often wonder why ppl drink too! haha well when it gets to the point of being drunk that is. But then i think back to the times when i did the same thing and sometimes it happens recently too. I dont enjoy the next day either! what a waste.

I am heading to a funeral today, My dads Aunt suddenly passed away. Heart attack. I am coming to realize Heart problems run in my side of the family. So i will be sure to keep an eye on my own as i age. My Grandma is still in pain and the sickness is taking the life right out of her. It makes me so sad to witness. But i hope that us being around her helps. Even if she doesnt know it anymore.

Sandy! i always try and tell my dad to let go when ppl do dumb things while driving. Sometimes he thinks he needs to do those things back to them and i ask him why? why stoop to that level? why do what initially bothers you to them back? i think if you let it be and just let the kindness out in the end it will in turn make them look at what they are doing and maybe they will think better of it next time. In the end we all just want to get home right?!

I hope you have a good restful day Grandma. I feel a cold coming on for myself and know i need to stay rested so i can teach my classes. Still waiting on baby number 4!

beth bennett said...

A sad day for you today Sandel. Thank you for taking the time to comment. I always find your words interesting.
Resting is the best thing to do if you are coming down with something.
I always enjoy reading so that helps. It was fun to see you and Cameron. love Gramma

Anonymous said...

Kim is okay? It seems odd to have a rock fall on the top of the car.

Don't worry - be happy!

