Wednesday, October 2, 2013


DSCN4716It is always amazing when a rainbow appears.  I know it is suppose to be a sign of hope and it is.

Yes I have been disturbing the peace with my coughing fits so dad and I went off to the clinic.  After listening to my chest he decided the old girl need some antibiotics.

Started them yesterday and had the worst sleep ever last night.  I think some times one gets worse before you get better.  I was just going to stay up but dad made me a hot drink and a heating pad for my chest and told me to return to bed.  I hate making such a racket and waking him up.  May I will sleep in the other bed to-night but hopefully I will be much better.

At the doctor's office I had to wear a mask which was the first for me.

Two quotes I found helpful.
"The older I get the more deeply I believe, but the less beliefs I have."  From John Shellby Spong's book which I know will be a challenge for me to read.

"Serenity can be a gift of aging if you are open to it,  Many older people (and I am getting there) tell me they have much greater emotional equilibrium than they did when they were young, and better able to adjust to life's ups and downs.  --Andrew Weil, M.D.

I am very disappointed I will miss a special celebration for my friend's 90 birthday at the church today but I can remember being absolutely crushed as a young person having to miss out on something.

Hopefully I am learning to accept things better.


nancy-Lou said...

Yes reading Spong would be a challenge for me too, Beth. Sorry to hear you have a chest cold...hope you feel better soon,
Love Nancy

Sandra said...

You better be sure and take all of your medication or Mary will not let you hold Simone when she comes. Sandra

Anonymous said...

I will send Jasmine over and she will make you take your pills. Jasmine wants to Skype you today but I think we can wait another day or two until your better.

Anonymous said...

I will send Jasmine over and she will make you take your pills. Jasmine wants to Skype you today but I think we can wait another day or two until your better.

beth bennett said...

Wow I think I am hearing a certain message. Believe me I am going to take all my pills, in fact and going to take on now.

Love to Skype soon.

love mom