Saturday, October 12, 2013


All the plans were made  and everything was falling into place when the night before the big arrival Randy back seized up with pain and he had to be taken to the emergency.
Sandra would have to drive over to the North Shore to pick him up.  Then early the next morning, Friday, he had to go to the clinic and see the doctor and get some medication
This was not what they had planned before picking the family up at the airport later in the day.

The  good news is that everyone has arrived safely and hopefully Simone is able to make the big adjustment,  Mary is very brave flying all that way with her little one. 

Rick's work trip to Kitamat  has  fit in very well with the plans for Thanksgiving and he arrived from the airport in his own car.  Kitamat is where dad was suppose to fly to when he had a short job experience with Skylink Airlines.  The plane he would have been flying crashed into the mountains and all were killed. 

We did not go over and visit  at Sandra and Randy's, although I am longing to see the baby but with all that has happened they needed time to catch their breath and relax.will be taking it a day at a time.

Bad news about Randy hurting his back and having to go to the emergency in North Van. Thurs. night.  Then Sandra had to drive way over there to pick him up and take him to the emergency in White Rock Friday morning.  Hopefully the pills will help right away.  It is always a happy time to be together.    It can be so frustrating to not be feeling well when you really want to.

It is not so easy to be thankful for the miserable things that can happen to anyone anytime.

I am feeling so much better it is amazing and I am truly thankful.

Words can be colorful and hopeful and powerful. 
Words are flying around us all day long and we all have our opinions about life. 
Words help us communicate our feelings and our hopes and dreams and our love for each other. 
Words live on after we are gone.  Jesus taught us that words can even bring life back to the dead.

Thanksgiving is a good time to express our love and our thankfulness to each other.
Walking in the forest of trees that rise so high above me often leave me wordless.

 Our grandson Oliver who works for the Coast Guard was involved in the rescue of three men diving.  Two of them went down too deep.  One got to the surface in a panic asking for help.  The fellow down below died and Oliver had to bring him up.  The other fellow also died.  Very tragic.

Dad and I are planning to drive to Richmond and join Carol at Ben's soccer game.  He has two games today and one on Sunday.  Morgan won tickets to the hockey game and took her mom and dad last night.

Morgan and Theresa will be making pie's today.  Sandra says everything is under control.  We will be jpoining them for supper to-night.


Anonymous said...

The best laid plans of mice and men gan oft arie . l hope Randy is feeling better today. Jane

nancy-Lou said...

My goodness, one never knows what is around the corner, do they? I am sure the Bennett family will have everything under control and the Thanksgiving supper will go on! Have a wonderful time and I will look forward to pictures soon!

Old man winter is trying to push Autumn out of here today, with blustery winds, cold rain and falling temperatures. Snow is just to our north. Oh oh! Better get the snow brushes and shovels ready and change the tires on the van. NOOOOOOO!


Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Are you better , has your cough stopped? Oliver does have a important job , too bad it wasn't a happy ending. Matthew doing well bike riding , can't get him to stop.

beth bennett said...

Yes, I am much better but still needed a nap after watching Ben at the soccer game.

Hope Matthew is careful with his bike riding.

Thankful to be enjoying the beauty of fall this week-end.

Happy Thanksgiving Nancy to you and to all.

Anonymous said...

It's Sunday morning over here in China,and I'm all settled in. I'll phone Carol in a little while, hopefull to connect with hem after the full day of soccer. Glad to hear your cold is getting better.

Anonymous said...

Will miss you at church today.Have fun with your large and close knit family. l give thanks for having you as a wonderful friend and example . Love and blessings. Jane