Thursday, October 17, 2013


Our Sunday afternoon study group always ends up talking about the Canucks and what they should do differently.  Dad figures they need more confidence and to play more like a team.

DSCN0939Hopefully they will start to improve.

I did a little work in the garden the sun feels so lovely and warm.  The bees are still flying around the few flowers that are still blooming.  It seems like a miracle to see the new spring buds already forming.

Dad went for a short walk and I am hopeful that I can start again now.  Such a shame to miss this last bit of beautiful weather.

I am making an effort to be more thankful for more things, many of which I take for granted.  I am amazed at all the new dads and how attentive they are and help so much with the babies and the young ones like Jasmine and Matthew and of course Simone and Lincoln!   Being a good father is so important! 
Like a lot of things it takes practice until it becomes second nature.  I am practicing being more thankful and practice seems to be the only way we learn and is the foundation of transformation.
It would appear that I have chronic bronchitis with an infection that makes me cough.  I was better and now I am worse.  Nothing showed up in the lung x-ray so I have decided resting has only made me weak so I am going to start walking.  I feel like just sleeping and my brain is very slow so I will have to follow my own intuition.
I have been thankful for good advice.

Today dad goes to the dentist, I go for a short walk and take over a milkshake to the Seniors Home.
And we will phone about getting our air ducks cleaned!   I may start to get back into reading Bishop Spong.  Hopefully I will be able to think a bit better.
Foggy again this morning., 


Anonymous said...

I am reading Zealot. It is pretty good.

Can't hurt to get the air-ducts cleaned.



Sandra said...

Foggy here too, just about to head out for our walk in the dark. Had yesterday off work because of our computer problems but will go in today and try and find some filing or something to keep busy. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Drive carefully.

Yes I will read Zealot one of these days. So many interesting books to educate us with deeper thinking and more commitment to change.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Nonna not well last night , I was at work until 1am, so melina and kids stayed over at her house. Could be a kidney infection.Nice and sunny but the winds still strong and gusty keeping it cool. We were planning on going to a movie ( melina and I ) tomorrow , but now with Nonna not well plans could change. Bush fires north of Sydney really bad. Haven't heard of any loss of live , but hundreds of homes destroyed.

beth bennett said...

Sorry to hear Nonna is not well Ken. I will keep in my prayers and hope she gets a diagnose from the doctor soon. Very painful I am sure.
Melina love you and bless you as you help your mom.
love beth