Thursday, October 3, 2013


I hear a lot of rumblings against God and church.
Why are less people going to church?  Many reasons I expect.  It may have been a habit and they have just got out of the habit or are busy with other things,  They may find church boring and dull or just too busy with other activities.  Or irrelevant?

Do they feel they have any spiritual needs?

Do they find that there questions are not being answered and that it is not practical help for their every day lives.  We are the ones who are being asked the questions.

I do not believe in the God that fills our souls with fear.

'The creedal system seemed to me to have locked Jesus into a pre-modern world, to have defined God as an invasive, miracle-working deity from outer space, and to have made the work of engaging the world in dialogue not only more difficult, but almost impossible, falsifying the Jesus experience into time-bound and time-warped human words"  Bishop Spong

I go to hear good news, to be touched by the healing power of music, to learn from the mistakes of the past. from scripture and from our own failures, to be with friends I care about.

I believe in all our lives we carry sadness and grief and somehow there is an opening into a loving grace through prayer and worship;   and by the power of the Spirit there is healing and redemption and restoration.

Well I find being sick very tiring and yes dad is a little bossy.  I wonder why?   But other than that he is an excellent care-giver!

I cough when I talk, when I laugh, when I eat and even when I read so consequently I have to reread things over again.  So far I am understanding Bishop Spong a little better.
Had a better sleep last night.


Sandra said...

People dont go to church as much any more because more women work out side of the home. That means the woman our too tired, have too much to do, and have had their fill of other people. Back in the day woman at home all week with the kids as their main source of human interaction would want to desperately get out and mingle with other humans. Plus with all the means of communication now going to Church no longer is the best way of catching up on news of what people are up to. The god part of church was a side note, a thing people had to put up with for most. The real "church" was afterwards in the social room with coffee. Sandra. PS I miss that church.

beth bennett said...

True except for the God part that was and is important to some of us. I do not hang around for coffee, I am usually tired to talk.
Love mom

nancy-Lou said...

Well now, how interesting to read about Bishop Spong. Which one of his books are you reading Beth.

When I first came upon Spong,our church studied a series of videos that featured he and some other ministers, and I thought they were the devil" for not believing in the Resurrection of Christ. BUT now, I am starting to re think his ideas and am going to buy one of his books the next time I go to Winnipeg. Let me know what you thing about this new way of thinking. Thanks for spurring me on! Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

We can skype tomorrow if your still not up to it Mom. Looks like we have a break in the rotten weather , sunny and 23c, not much wind. I am watching 1974 Stanley cup final , game six , flyers and bruins , on NHL CENTRE ICE .

Anonymous said...

We can skype tomorrow if your still not up to it Mom. Looks like we have a break in the rotten weather , sunny and 23c, not much wind. I am watching 1974 Stanley cup final , game six , flyers and bruins , on NHL CENTRE ICE .