Sunday, October 27, 2013


DSCN1147Sanctuary is the place within your soul where you feel quiet contentment and peace.  Alone but connected to others.  For me it is a place of thankfulness and grace.  I have a desire to make my morning prayers and thoughts into a sanctuary wher I can believe like a little child again.  I laugh to think of myself a child in this old woman's body with its wrinkles and slowness of pace.

  I believe that thankfulness is the "architecture " that carves moments of grace even while I rest."  forgot who said this

I believe that the Kingdom of God is within us all!
"What a gift to know that I do not struggle alone but that the God-man with skin on struggled too, and now the promise is that the flame of this love will never go out but burn within me and embracing all that is good and bad within us all"    -Ann Voskam

I was thankful for windows that open  wide to invite lots of fresh air into my space, even when I couldn't go walking about.  I think we have had the best fall ever, so warm and the leaves so beautiful.  My expectations are that I will be 100% better tomorrow and even better the next day.
I take my last Prednisone today and am thankful to be off it although it did really help.

Mary did wonderful visiting all the family and even took Simone to work.  Sandra and Randy are so hospitable just amazed me with all they did for us all!

“All we have to do is decide what to do with the time that is given to us,”
-J.R. R. Tolkien

What greater joy than going for a walk in Sandra's new neighborhood. One of my first walks
DSCN1150Am I repeating myself
Earth and sky captured with all its beauty.  Seeing and listening is the secret of the spiritual life!

Although life has slowed down  for me for awhile I  still feel so fortunate especially when we enjoy our surroundings and all the gifts that nature blesses us with. 

“One act of thanksgiving when things go wrong with us is worth a thousand thanks when things are agreeable to our inclinations.”-- unknown

I am thankful for the time I have now to spend with God and I am not rushing to do or to go anywhere.  Although I do want to take time to visit Gundy and our neighbor Mary who just had a birthday.  Older people do enjoy a visit when they cannot get out like they use to.  I will have a restful weekend planning to go to church, I certainly have missed it.

I am thankful for a good doctor and have tried to follow instructions which I am not always the best doing.  And I good husband who lets me be me and makes me eggs after my morning walk.

It has been a busy summer and fall preparing and enjoying family visits and at the end I feel a little exhausted with happiness!  That is good! !  God is faithful!

High hopes for church were dashed as I was unable to talk brought on by my friendly cough still hanging on.  Next week for sure!  But I will go for a short walk in the sun shine in the afternoon!


Sandra said...

Yes, it was a busy summer. And fall. And we have less then 2 months before the next bunch arrives. I hope we have the house unpacked by the, and maybe even some walls painted? Sandr

beth bennett said...

It was perfect especially filled with happy faces and many voices.
No church today I am voiceless.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Rest up mom , walking can wait a day or two. Ken