Wednesday, October 16, 2013


Yes the windows this morning have a hazy mist on the bottom but the sun will soon come and shine away the fogy dew as drop by drop the moisture disappears and runs down the window pain.
cold in   the mornings and again in the evening which makes a real fire place a luxury of smell and warmth.
Thanks to Randy!


DSCN0993DSCN1037I finally got a picture of Leah and Craig digging into the feast!  Under Rick's watchful eye.

Simone the first moment she meat us and she was curious but okay with all the people she was meeting and seeing.  Even the cat has to say hello.
Still enjoying the luxury of left-overs.   My mind is also pretty hazy so I feel that I am making a bit of a mess of things. 

Not as bad as at out study group that dad hosted with some help from Carol and Kim setting things out.  Everything looked good until dad poured the coffee and it spilt and then next some one trying to help spilt the milk.  I would strongly recommend them for good clean uppers.

So we discussed believing.  "To Believe" in Latin is opinor. opinari meaning opinion.  Believing used to mean loyalty and devotion that would perceive belonging.  Today many think there is an uncertainty about their beliefs and certainly have more doubts about the Christian faith than they do about dinosaurs walking this earth.  Sadly this has made faith something that has to be believed not something to be experienced in the heart.

Somehow the door into faith is opened not by reason or explanations but by receiving this as a gift. We are more likely to open this gift when we realize it is fulfilling a deep need or longing in our souls.  Of course this longing can be filled in many ways.  Certainly having a sense of purpose helps.

Dad forced me to go to the doctor because of my cough getting worse again.  I did not feel it was necessary.  Anyway I had a chest x-ray and some blood tests so we will see.

Up early because I do not want to bother dad with my coughing.  I may go back to bed in the other room.  Should be another nice day!


Sandra said...

Has dad called for the duct cleaning yet? I am still on left overs as well. Our complete computer system at work crashed last Friday and will not be back up and running until tomorrow so I have a day off today. Yesterday I spent the whole day typing in manually every single persons banking information into an online site so I could still pay them sort of. Sure to be complaints next week, it may be the very first time I get angry at work, we will see. Sandra

nancy-Lou said...

Yes, Beth, I notice the same thing here...people are questioning religion and the numbers are dropping off at our little church. Many parishoners are older and pass away and they are not replaced by younger folks.

How are you enjoying Spong's book? I haven't read much in mine...too busy with the Thanksgiving weekend.
I hope your cough disappears and your energy returns soon. Love Nancy

Anonymous said...

Good idea going back to bed . Very windy where, was the coldest 27c day in history here yesterday,wind chill made it feel like 8c....