Wednesday, October 30, 2013


A Roman soldier in charge of a unit of one hundred men; who comes to Jesus to ask for his son to be healed.  This is the second sign in the Fourth Gospel.  Jesus calls him a man of great faith and a personality that will be used to address the tribal gulf both physically and emotionally between Jew and Gentile.  Jesus again is breaking barriers.  Jesus is the healer not the enemy. 
Desperation for the life of this his son he is willing to put himself and his family under the authority of Jesus.  Our fears grow out of not being able to trust those we feel who are different  and because they are different they must be abnormal.  One in ancient times had to worship their deity or deities so that hey would have their protection,
Children can be the key to revealing the oneness of all humanity.
I need to feel loved and to know there is a healing presence I can call upon and reach out especially for my children!  I especially like to pray for all my family as I walk and think of them starting a new day, even though our times are different.
“My soul makes its boast in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and be glad.”  Psalm 34
Yes affliction comes into all our lives and our hearts get bruised and our bodies feel pain.  Adversity can make us stronger is we draw deeper into the heart of God’s love.
Mothers love to keep their children warm and happy and safe.

 I go later in the day and am used to the fact that I have slowed down off the Prednisone.  Nice to receive some phone calls from the church knowing I am not forgotten.  I am learning that nothing is more important than to learn how to maintain a purpose in the midst of adversity.  This will restore our spirits!  Hope to get out a bit today.  Dad had a walk in the forest, did the shopping and pulled out a overgrown mess too tough for me.

Another lesson is to ask for help.  Also to take time to listen which can be meditating on a specific word.  "Holding focus on a singe word brings about concentration, which then gives rise to space, clarity and awareness.  Within such sharply present mental stillness, we catch glimpses of the dimension of our self that stands behind thoughts, deeds, and identity.  In Mussar, that dimension is named the soul."-Climbing Jacob's Ladder.
I do appreciate phone calls.  And laughter with a friend~
thank you Lord of Creation for the last blooms of summer!

thank you for the glow of the porch light.


Sandra said...

Sleeping until my alarm goes off at 5:30. Still stumbling out in the dark to walk the dogs, but with gloves and a hat on now. Sandra

beth bennett said...

I have been awake at 4 and awake during the night but this morning it was 5. Wonderful. I want to wait a little while before my walk.

Sometimes we may be walking together but apart
love mom