Sunday, October 13, 2013



Rustling leaves blowing in the wind.  Moms and children raking and playing in the leaves together.
The sounds, the sights and the smells of fall in the air.  Had a short walk with Rick in the morning.
Dad had good hot bowls of porridge ready when we got home.  One of his specialties.

 My legs are not in good shape and I had such very shapely legs as a teenager!  Oh well.
Autumn is a good way to say good-bye to summer as every warm day a gift.

Fresh smell of just cut grass cut by a helpful son Rick, zipping by so fast I can't catch min on camera!
Good to have some help in the yard as everything has been neglected.  Dad did cut the little strip at the front of the yard.
Should be the last cutting of this year,

Ben explaining his sore finger that got hurt in practice before the game even started. He did an excellent goalie and the score was 1 to 1 then in the last seconds of the game the ball went over his head.  Dad and I enjoyed watching the game with Carol in the  warm sunshine. Ben is an excellent goalie, very competitive and a good sport.

I had a short nap before we headed over to Sandra and Randy's.  Sandra had just finished bathing Simone and she looked and smelled so adorable.  Randy was in a lot of pain so that is a shame.  Good to have a visit and talk about old times with Mary, Cameron and Shandel; and hold Simone for the first time.  Bronchitis is not catchy the doctor said.

Good news Oliver is coming over on the ferry from Victoria so we will hear all about his adventures on his boat.

Dad and Rick are watching the hockey game while I go off to bed.  I will not be able to go out for church and for our big dinner too. 


Sandra said...

Yesterday was a pretty busy day for you so hope you had a good sleep. Mary is off doing her run while I babysit Simone. We will walk later, maybe after Cameron and Shandel wake up. Now to figure out turkey times and table placements. See you all later. Sandra

beth bennett said...

Thank you for a good time yesterday. Your home is looking lovely.
Feel a bit worse this morning so will not be walking and not going to church, save my energy for family fun.
love mom

beth bennett said...

Thank you for a good time yesterday. Your home is looking lovely.
Feel a bit worse this morning so will not be walking and not going to church, save my energy for family fun.
love mom

Anonymous said...

Watching the Canucks makes me feel sick. Happy Thanksgiving