Thursday, October 10, 2013


 Inside we may feel crappy but outside we try to look our best.  Jesus came so that each one of us could live our life to the fullest,  The toughest part is to be thankful in all things

Thanksgiving is the evidence of our acceptance
of whatever is given to us.

"Thanksgiving is the manifestation of our Yes to His Grace." 

I  had gone to bed full of confidence and thankfulness that a new me would wake up in the morning.  I was even planning the route I would take and how wonderful it would be to be walking along, hearing the happy voices of the children off to school and meeting some of my walking buddies, most of which are dogs.

At three in the morning I felt helpless as I starting coughing.  Up out of bed so as to not wake dad I was still feeling hopeful that this was a good sign.  Wrote a little than tried going back to be but again I was compelled to get up.  So an in and out of bed night but I am hopeful it is a farewell performance.

Enjoyed a short walk in the forest with dad so that would do us both good.  Knew I would not be welcome at the Senior's Home while I am still coughing.  Yes I am doing my best and following instructions to a T.

A perfect day for a walk in the forest.  Not everyone is beautiful on the outside but inside we all can be.  Looking forward to a fantastic day on Friday.  Rick arrives after lunch.


nancy-Lou said...

What a darned shame you cannot go for your much beloved least not your long walks...but even short walks gets you outdoors and in to fresh air. Your cough sounds so bad...spasms of coughing are not good. Hopefully your new meds will banish it forever. I am coming down with a cold or of my students was pretty sick when I taught him earlier this week. After all these years of teaching kids, I am pretty immune to most of the bugs. I am hoping to fight this one off.
I don't want to give up my daily walks either. I sure hope you are all better for the weekend when you see al your family and the babies. Take care my friend,
Love Nancy

nancy-Lou said...
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Sandra said...

Isn't today Friday? Did I miss a blog? Hmmm. Will you all later to see how you are doing. Randy was in emergency last night, we did not get home till late. Just a back strain. At the clinic now. Sandra

Anonymous said...

So sorry you had a rotten night , but which night was it Blog seems to have been posted around 3 a. m.on the 10th . Anyway your big week end gets underway today and l hope all will go well it is especially exiting seeing new little ones. Our family will gather on Monday and they are planning to he[p us organize some of our stuff prior to moving. It is a daunting task. However we have a great deal to be thankful for. We have great memories of all the family occasions we have celebrated in this home, l guess this is the last hurrah. Bye for now. Jane.

beth bennett said...

My computer put the wrong day on.

That is sure too bad about Randy.

It happens so fast and is soo painful. Just when you need extra help.
love mpm