Monday, March 9, 2015


I am feeling less and less that I am myself but the amazing thing is that I am still as spiritual, (I cannot say religious that is not cool)  as I have always been but  I believe differently that I did as a child.

"Just by being ourselves we are borne toward a destiny far beyond anything we could imagine.  The Being (the soul) I nourish inside me is the same as the Being that suffuses every atom of the Cosmos."

My body is merely vehicle that allows me to function in the physical world, whereas my soul has the potential to transcend all sensory perceptions and dimensions.

Believe and then you will see what lies hidden in rituals that have the power to take you into a deeper mystical experience.

This has been a difficult day for dad who tried to free my computer from a virus that has frozen my computer.  He has been working on it all day.  Then he went out to work on the pond which is another difficult job.  His plans for a bike ride did not work out and he actually thought it was too cold.

My neighbor, Lily, who grew up in the slums in Africa dropped by because she was worried that she had not seen me in a long while.  After we had a visit I had a visit with Gundy.

We are fortunate not to have strange neighbors like Sandra and Randy.  He is really strange!

"Whatever your circumstances, having dignity and the practice of mindfulness and loving-kindness can transform your life into a path of understanding and love." - Jack Kornfield.

"The future is the result of what we do right now"  -Pema Chodron


Anonymous said...

I have had bad neighbours before , not nice . The kids gave me instruction of the phone on how they want their fruit and olives ( jassy) packed for their lunches in the morning .Melina will get up at 3:45 am and i will get home at 1am . I will be tired but can come home and sleep after i get the kids to school. Great game today , Canucks , that is . We have the World cup of Cricket on at the moment . The pommes are out !!!! they are not happy.

Sandra said...

Well, at least it is only one bad neighbour.

Steady-as-rain said...

I think you might mean "Just being ..." not "Lust being ..."

(only wanting to make sure the eventual printed edition is accurate!)



nancy-Lou said...

I really liked your words about the soul and the promise ahead. Who knows what wonders lie ahead for us. Death does not scare me, the older I become the more I know there is a lot more beyond the death of our physical body.

Neighbours....You are fortunate to be blessed with neighbours who care about speaks volumes on your being a good neighbour in return.

We are blessed with good neighbours too...being a small town everyone is close knit. I heard one of my favourite neighbours this morning as I opened the door for my cat....MR. rooster....he was crowing like crazy....the first time I heard him since last fall. Spring must be in the air!
One of my neighbours owns a greenhouse, just a small one, but soon I can wander over and take in all the beauty.

Many years ago we had a bad neighbour who used to abuse his wife and kids..little did we know that he tried to abuse our small son in his garage....but fortunately he ran away. He never told us until he was 45.

Spring has sprung is melting like crazy...I am sure " old man winter" will still have a "kick at the can" or two, but we are enjoying spring very much.

Have a great day,
love, Nancy