Sunday, January 24, 2016


A sunny Sunday morning but I am not full of energy  Too bad we will miss church again but I am thinking of all my dear friends there.

No walk with Haiti I will rest and read until it is time to go to Abbotsford to watch some soccer.  Ben is playing goal for two teams.  Way to go Ben!

This morning I was thinking how conversation has changed from when I was a young girl.  We were on a party line on our phone exchange and it seemed every time I would go to use it I would pick it up and hear voices chatting away.

Fortunately it Most of our plans were also made over the phone.

Now most people keep in touch with the inter-net and by faxing short messages.  This can all be carried with us by our I-phones so things are changed from minute to minute. 

Scripture is a helpful way to inspire me to pray and feel that I am having a conversation with God.

"Just when we think all hope is gone, grace comes in like a breeze with a gentle reminder of the power of prayer!"  -Marci

  When we pray we are more open to the blessings that life is offering us.  My needs have always be met in the past and will be also in the future.

May our faith keep the light shining on our path so that we know that  love will guide our steps.


larry bennett said...

Yes Dear our energy levels are definitely lagging a bit these days. Yes i remember the first time I called you on the phone - we also were on a party line - I was very nervous as a man answered - I asked to speak to Liz -a loud, grouchy voice said - No Liz lives here - Clank.

I helps if one gives on her real name!

Now it seems you must send a text to get permission to call - which i must admit isnt such a bad idea.

Anonymous said...

We were on a partry line, too.
Two short rings, folklowed by a long ring was our house.
Two long rings followed by a short ring was the Bergs across the road.
Funny the things you remember.
Even weirder is that my mom still has that same phone number becuase they onyl changes houses once-934-1302--that number is over 50 years old!

nancy-Lou said...

Conversations...hmmmm interesting topic and interesting replies too. Good morning Beth, it is Monday today....just catching up now. Conversations sure have changed these days haven't they. I stay in touch with many of my students through texting...or emails.

Sorry to hear you both aren't feeling that well and hope this morning brings you more energy and feeling much better. Just take things easy and don't worry, everything seems to work out OK in the long run, right?

OK, I will really date myself now, but when I was a child we had a six digit phone number and that was in Winnipeg. I still remember it! Numbers seem to stick in my head. I still remember the call numbers/letters for the police radio too. Funny.

Party lines....oh boy, we had 6 people on one side and 6 on the other side. You didn't hear the rings on the other side..but if they were using the phone you could 't get on. One woman was constantly listening to others calls...a real busy body. You could hear the clicks.
We also had an emergency fire phone ..for our local fire department, when cArl was on the volunteer fire department.

I am sorry you aren't feeling well enough for your walks, Beth and hope you feel better soon
I know how much you enjoy your walks.

Wishing you a better day,

Love, Nancy

Forgot to ask how Ben did in the soccer games and if he heard about getting on with the whitecaps.

Sandra said...

We left our house in the sunshine, and when we were walking to the restaurant in Vancouver with Mandi we got soaking wet even with our umbrellas. But, by the time we had finished the sun had made its way to Vancouver.

We stopped at VV on Hastings Street since we were in the city. As usual I could have spent a lot longer.

Then off to Delta, but did not get out of the workwear store till 1:30, so did not have time to stop by and see you. Unless of course Carol was late?

Then once I was home I had to work for a couple more hours, so did not feel like going back out again. For some strange reason I am finding it painfull to sit at the computer for too long. So after I finished I went and had a good long soak in the bathtub.

Hope you guys had a good visit with Theresa, so nice to be out of the weather and indoors for a change!


beth bennett said...

Ben did well at the games on a indoor shorter smaller court.
No news about the White Caps.
We did not see Theresa because we left before she arrived.
The games went from 2 to 7. A long day.

Had two walks today. One early and one with Haiti.
Yes I am pacing myself.

Dad still remembers his old phone number!

Love mom