Saturday, January 2, 2016


Yes we all have them and yet we are still loveable human beings.  I play  game with Lincoln where we both believe no one can see us. 
I start cleaning up and yes I get tired very quickly.  I know it does not need to be done in a day but I just keep on keeping on.  Dad is very annoyed.  Understandably. I am thankful that he cares enough to be annoyed.   I did take time to watch the hockey game.  I did manage a walk in the cold frosty morning with my cane,
The T.V. room is vacuumed and dad has cleaned up the dishes after making French Toast while I was out walking.  The dining room is
clutter free.  Beds change .  Dan and I will pack up the decorations later together.
  Shawna your calendar is beautiful as usual and I will put a picture I will put a picture on when my camera battery is recharged.  It certainly is the gift that keeps giving!  Thank you for all your hard work it really is a blessing!  Thank You!
I now take time to reaffirm myself and to be open to the love expressed by my dear husband.
"Learning to live in the rhythm of life by affirming yourself."
to this quote I add flaws and all.


larry bennett said...

This is your dear husband - very nice comment - however i would be much happier
if you would judt take it easy when you are not feeling well. You overdo it (every time) and then get worse, befor finally taking my advice.


Sandra said...

Still fighting this darn cold, going on 3 weeks now. I am trying not to do too much so my energy can go to getting it out of my system. Randy ended up doubling yesterday so it was just me and the animals all day.

My goal is to get out of the house today at some point, if I do I will stop by for a visit.


nancy-Lou said...

Flaws...well if we were all perfect it would be a pretty dull world! I know I have my share of flaws!

WOW those photos of the tree with all the hoarfrost are so pretty. I don't think you have hoar frost very often, do you? We have had a mild winter which brings hoarfrost. It sure makes things look beautiful.

I know what you mean, Beth...once you get 'on a roll' cleaning you don't want to stop. But you need to pace yourself or you pay the price the next day. I find I can work for a couple of hours, then rest for a half hour, usually playing solitaire on line or doing a puzzle and then I am ready for another hour or two of work! That will be my schedule tomorrow. Laundry, bed changes, vacuuming, washing floors...dusting.

I do like Foley's war too! I like most of the British shows ITV or BBC. I guess my British heritage is dad was born in Belfast Ireland and grew up there, my Grandmother on my mom's side grew up in England. Do you have netflix or do you always get DVD's from the library?

Pixie, our neighbours little Maltese dog is spending more time here. She has stayed overnight a few times now and they never phone or look for her. I ask her if she wants to go home and she just looks at me and says NOOOO do n't send me out in that cold weather. It isn't a good home at all. They leave her outside in winter and is little dog with not much fur. She knows we are almost always home and comes here. She has gained weight now...not thin as a rail.

I look forward to return to normalcy after the hectic holidays. It seems that people are really going over the top with Christmas lately....stores are packed, roads are busy, restaurants are full and noisy,everyone rushing around....the days are often mixed up too, with holidays during the work week...we don't know if it is the weekend or the week and have to think about it. I would like to go to a quiet place for the two weeks...far away from all the hub bub! Maybe Tahiti...I am a peace and quiet gal!

Well I wish you a good night's sleep,

Love Nancy