Thursday, January 21, 2016


Certainly a winter looking sky!
Another rainy day.

Not of trains but of flying in airplanes!

Yes I was absolutely terrified the first time I had to fly in the small airplane with your dad up into that sky.  I sat frozen like a log in the front seat and when he asked me to open the map and find where we are I told him he had to be kidding.

Every cell in my body was responding to the fear I was feeling.  I prayed the whole time knowing that prayer is a weapon that helps us conquer fear.

Since that first day I have flown thousands of miles over mountains, over forests and over seas.

I realize that as I age there can come an uncertainty about the future but if I look back I realize that often our worst fears are never realized and if they are,  we will be given the courage we need if we ask for it.

Both dad and I were a bit under the weather all day but  I did manage two short walks and a trip to the grocery store and dad did some organizing of his papers and pictures from the past.

I have learned many things from my past and one thing for sure I have learnt is that God answers
prayers.  He can calm a heart and strengthen a soul.

"God specializes in new beginnings."  Marianne Willamson


Sandra said...

The good thing about this cold wet weather is it makes me walk much faster!

I have found that my fear of flying is greatly lessened the more I am looking forward to where I am headed.

And now of course I just take my Ativan and dont really give it much thought unless we get real bumpy.

The ENT guy perscribed me nasal spray for post nasal drip, and confirmed that my sore throat is not from anything other than my GERD.


nancy-Lou said...

Terrified....oh boy, I can feel the anxiety, Beth! Flying is not my favourite thing to do!
You must have overcome your fears if you flew many places with Larry! Tell me about some of the trips. I didn't nind flying in a small beechcraft place, with Carls cousin. He took off from a field nearby and we flew all over Victoria Beach and Elk Island. It looked so different from the air. He was a pilot for Air Canada and I had no fear....but flying on some of the large planes for hours....well we did have a bad experience once...that is likley what caused by fear.

The future is uncertain for us too, with Carl not feeling well and having surgeries in the near future...but I just take it day by day and am thankful for each one. That is all one can do...

It is a lovely day today. The cold spell is gone for now and the temperature is -12....with little wind. Coming from the prairies you must remember how cold that wind can make it.
We will drive to the pharmacy in Fort ALexander..( on the reserve ) to pick up Carl's prescriptions. I am going to take the pharmacist some of my art cards.

Hoping you and Larry are feeling well today.

Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

Jasmine says she hates flying. On our way back to Melbourne we hit major turbulence and she just laughed like it was a roller coaster.