Sunday, May 15, 2016


Yes I am feeling nervous this Sunday morning because I have been asked to say a few words at the farewell luncheon for Jane and Geof.  I have lots of things I could say about this dear friend who has been like a sister to me.  We have shared so many joys and sorrows over the years.  We have attended church together, shared birthday dinners, walked and prayed on our continuing spiritual journey.  We have shared our homes and dreams especially about our families and about also about our church.

I will be expressing thanks from the hearts of many who will be gathering. 

Both Jane and Geof. have been so very gracious in opening their home as well as their heart to us all.

Geof a real gentleman who always made me feel like a lady.

Jane came to our church 46 years ago and they are now leaving for West. Van to be closer to family and have a small apartment instead of a spacious home.

We have studied the Bible, visited people together, and prayed together.

I guess I could write a book about the many adventures JANE And I have had together, always with lots of laughter and a few tears.  Yes there were a few storms that had to be weathered along the way.
We studied together, visited the sick together and prayed for each other and others together.

She had a clown ministry that would speak deep into your hearts without words.  A rare gift.

Jane you helped me as we have journey together spiritually try to follow Jesus by living out of our souls.

My toast was suppose to be
     Thank you both
     We will miss you.
     Our love goes with you
     We know you will be a blessing
     in this adventure.

We are off to a baby shower for Jas and Ryan who are having twins.

Then in to see Carol and Pantel.


Anonymous said...

I hope you speech went well. So what's Ben doing ? Staying in the wack ? We finally got the dogs ok outside together. Maloo is Abigail sook and cries all the time. Rocky is so patient with the puppy biting him all the time.

nancy-Lou said...

oh my, that is sad for you and Jane to say goodbye at church and the congregation will miss them. Good though that they have downsized and will be closer to their family. North Van is quite a drive away...but I am sure not too far and you will see each other often. A good friend like Jane is a treasure of a lifetime isn't she?

I am sure you would say the right words during your write such good words on your blog!

I had a busy day making art cards for the stores here. I made 70 in all. The cards were printed at Staples but I had to fold them, put my stamp on the back of each one, insert an envelope and squeeze them into a plastic sleeve...with fingers that didn't want to co-operate. They were stiff with the weather changes.

Then I worked on cataloging the photos of my art ...and that is quite a challenge.
It is for the St. Georges Historical Society.

I should have done it long ago...but now at least all the paintings and there are hundreds of them are on one external hard drive. Gave my self a near heart attack after finding hours of work...I thought I lost them all on the went crazy...I was near tears and all of a sudden it came on again!

In my getting things organized I found a few 'almost finished paintings" and will work on them this week. One of zinnias I like a lot! I have a large pile of unfinished or poor paintings...mostly from demos when I teach...never throw anything out...hey one never knows, right?

I will buy some foam core on Wednesday when we go to the city...I use it for backing for prints. Then I can package up some prints for sale too. Busy time of year...but I really enjoy the work.

Did Sandra loose Lucy> I know she was sick. I read they have a new puppy...I wonder what kind?

Did you have supper with Carol and Panteli?

I made a ham and Ken, one of Carl's employees ( when he was in business ) came for a visit and stayed for supper. He always cheers us up....with his stories.

It sounds like you had a busy day, so have a good sleep tonight,

Love, Nancy

beth bennett said...

Ben will continue to be driven in for one day a week goalie training.

He is okay with this and really happy to stay at his school. Had supper with Carol and Panteli.

Lucy is not well but still okay.

Ben with turn 13 on his birthday so young to be billeted out.

Time for bed.

Love mom

Had a good day and felt I did good.

nancy-Lou said...

oh that is good Beth....he is so young and I am sure the time will come that is right for him to be billeted and be part of their organization. It is really hard for someone that age to change schools and friends too...I know, I had to do it!

sorry to hear Lucy isn't is always so hard when our beloved pets get old and have health problems.

Glad your day went well and the speech must have gone over well too....

Love, Nancy

Sandra said...

No Nancy, we still have Lucy. We just found a new lump on her back that does not look good. If it is cancer we hope it is small enough to take off with out having to put her under as we said we would never do that to her again.

She cries when she has to go to the vet now. I wish they did house calls.


nancy-Lou said...

AWE....that must be so hard for poor Lucy and you too, to have to go to the vet again! I pray the lump is nothing to worry about and she can just come home again and spend many good days with you. Is there no mobile vet in your city?

There is one in Winnipeg...The Animal Ark and Dr. Lisa has a cottage here and hold a clinic once a year for shots and heart worm etc. She is half the price of a vet with an office and very good. Even the heart worm meds were a lot cheaper. She will come to the house out here too!

Sending hugs,
Love, Nancy