Sunday, July 31, 2016


Today Rick and I are up early and go for a good walk.
We get home and dad makes breakfast.
Now it is very quiet as I wander around the house.

Praying for a safe journey home for
Cameron and Shandel and for Rick.

Seems a bit cooler.

Carol took the longer but more interesting route over to Susan's on the North Shore.  The streets seemed very crowded with tourist and shoppers.

There are always a few poorer people mixed in with the crowd.  Sad to see.  I am always reminded that we all have a story that shapes our lives and maybe they just took a wrong turn somewhere.

Carol asks me questions about directions but I am no help.  We drive down Granville and by Stanley Park.  It has been years since I have been over the Lion's gate bridge.

Sandra and Cameron have help from a three year old blowing up balloons.  She had great fun playing with them.  Sandra did the decorations and made up the game.  No, neither I or Carol or Rick won a prize but Chris did!
Our little helper decides Leah is not opening presents fast enough.  She speeds up the process by grabbing the paper and getting it out of the way,  We have not seen her since Leah's wedding shower and right now I have forgotten her name.

Shandel has a great time and Cameron was a good sport even coming.
This is Rick and Tasha and Chris. and Carol.
Tasha writes notes on diapers for middle of the night encouraging words!  Yes Leah is carrying  the baby far to low. She has a girdle thing that helps especially with painful walking with pelvic bones separating.  Both her and Craig are very happy but also a little nervous.  All our prayers are with them!
Sandra has been very busy helping with this party and visiting with Shandel and Cameron.

Rick is ready a book on prayer so he will have all the answers now.

Sunday morning we spent with Rick and Pat and John came over bringing jelly and vetables from their garden.  Very hard workers.

The "Yes Prayer";

Please show me You are there
when I feel tired and troubles.

Send troubled souls my way
so I can comfort them.

Daily I pray for your wisdom to guide my thoughts and help me do my best to serve and understand others.

Send me your tranquility in troubled times and calm through suffering and harm.

Forgive me my sins, when I fail to live by grace and because we all make mistakes may I always be willing to forgive.

Reveal the meaning of my life and reason for my troubles  and the purpose for this day and for the rest of my life.

-Taken from the book by Anthony Destefano


Anonymous said...

Looks a good time had by all. You didn't get caught up in gay pride parade by mistake 😳

larry bennett said...

No, they came home via the freeway - missed most of the traffic - there always is
a large traffic jam after this event!!

nancy-Lou said...

WOW, Beth, what a wonderful selection of photos from the baby shower. You managed to capture pretty much all of the family, I think?
Sandra looks so beautiful in that pretty white dress. Everyone looks great, don't they? I will keep my fingers crossed too, for must be so uncomfortable for her with a lot of pressure on her body...hand in there Leah!

I was wondering who Susan is? Not quite sure where she fits in the family. That is quite a drive over to the North Shore..the last time we were coming home from the Island we took the Lion's Gate bridge hoping to get over to 99..missed the turn and ended up going down Granville and a lot of out of the way streets until we got over to #1. Very interesting, but took a long time.

Yesterday was a day filled with visitors...starting at 10am and finishing at 9pm...a steady flow and a wonderful, but tiring day. First Scott Ateah came with a cousin of Carl's, Glen Lester...who is quite elderly. So nice to see them both. It has been many years since we have seen either of them. Scott did a somersault off the VB pier...he is still a crazy guy.
I remember he and his brothers playing outdoors at the little log house they lived in at VB. They were just little guys and had a pop gun and a bow and arrow...always full of energy. I gave SCott some of my art cards..pen and ink drawings with watercolour washes of VB scenes and he was so pleased.
We haven 't seen Ron or Casey and not sure when they are leaving. They went to visit family on their mother's side somewhere in western manitoba. They have been very busy visiting family and there are so many of us to visit here. Hope to see them still.

I am pretty tired out today after 4 intense days...but still have lots to do. Lost 4 lbs os that is good!

The weather has been oppressive for days on end. Very humid with values in the plus 40's and overnight lows in the 20's...too hot to open the windows so we keep the air conditioners on all night and day. Truthfully I would prefer winter to this. It is too hot to go outdoors, for walks and even to BBQ. You have to stay indoors.

Well off to make another up of coffee and then to work on sorting out my paintings and framing one that was sold.

Have a great holiday Monday.

Love, Nancy

nancy-Lou said...

Hang in there Leah..crazy spell check...

Sandra said...

I did not really get to talk to you at the shower. Shandel was a wonderful help and I would not have been able to do it with out her. I hope Leah was happy with everything. At the last minute Susan had called us to buy some pink napkins so we had to go find a store that had those. We ended up just getting there as other people were already arriving and quickly tried to get some decorations up.

It was very nice to visit with Amelia. She has a good vocabulary but unlike Simone she is not a bit shy and just jumped right in.


beth bennett said...

Yes Nancy it is hard to figure this family out. Susan is Leah's mom and Rick's x wife. She still remains a part of the family

We are looking after Haiti today as Carol and Panteli have left on a trip to California.

It is warm but not too warm here. Larry was reading in his shade deck but got too cool.

Hope you are getting rested up.

Love beth