Saturday, March 13, 2010


Life can seem a battle at times especially as we fight the tiredness that can come upon body and soul. Our daily lives are filled with tasks that demand doing and redoing. We may feel stuck in the circumstances of our lives at this moment but if we can say to ourselves okay in a years time will it be different. Life is not perfect but everyday gives us a chance to express love in some small way. Why am I hear? What can I learn from my situation? The armour mentioned in the Bible consists of truth, righteousness, peace, and faith that allows the grace and blessing of the spirit to flow into the tiredness.

"I don't know Who-or-What-put the question. I don't know when it was put. I don't even remember answering. But at some moment I did answer Yes to Someone-or Something-and from that hour I was certain that existence is meaningful and that, therefore, my life, in self-surrender, had a goal." Dag Hammarskjold, United Secretary General and Nobel Peace Laureate wrote these words in 1961.

Saying yes is only the beginning because life will demand more of us than we think we have the energy to do; yet we keep on. Some problems are small and will eventually sort themselves out but others are tragic and may seem unbearable. As we get older we attend more funerals than weddings but both have the potential to remind us to love each other. Righteousness means kindness and generosity and compassion all expressions of love and faith.
Tiredness reminds us to listen to our bodies and to get short rests!


Anonymous said...

I guess I should make to do lists for my self. Being alone all the time can make it easy to do nothing. Watched Preciouse last night, now that was motivation to get off the couch!

Anonymous said...

Wow I did not expect any comments. love mom

Anonymous said...

I'm listening to my body, but it is telling me "cookie, cookie, must have cookie", so I'm going to have to do something else.



Anonymous said...

I'm listening to my body, but it is telling me "cookie, cookie, must have cookie", so I'm going to have to do something else.



beth bennett said...

The secret is that one cookie is never enough but we all have moments when we crave something sweet. I always have to have something sweet around whether it is a cookie or a candy. Dad eats cookies now for lunch saying he is not hungry,

If you had a cookie I hope you enjoyed it or them? love mom