Monday, March 8, 2010


An early morning walk has me gazing up at the blossoms of a cherry tree even though it is very cold and feels like snow. No worries about me going out in the dark any more now that it is getting lighter everyday. I am very thankful that I can do my walking and it is nice when I have some one to walk with me; like yesterday morning Rick and I did a 45 minute walk.

There seems to be a lot of sickness in our family; Sandra has a cold and Mary is very sick with what may be mono [she is going to the doctor today] and Chris has the flu so was unable to join the party for Carol. Dad is hopeful that going to the acupuncture doctor will help his numb and painful feet. We had a good drive into New Westminster to pick up the gluten free bread today and made a very quick trip. Sandra is now added to the list of those who are eating this bread.
Maybe I should take Chris some.

More and more people are discovering they have no need of church and that they are comfortable with their spiritual apathy. They may have an interest in Buddhism or other eastern religions or psychology or philosophy but since they have little interest in God they have little need of faith. Religion has been guilty of abuse and misinformation. "Any movement of spiritual vitality is in constant danger of developing eccentric and centrifugal tendencies" but when we are caught up in the excitment; in eating the apple we forget to look for the worms that maybe God was trying to worn us of in the Garden. We have been taught by those who have appeared to be superior and I for one have fallen under their spell. We have all had a wrong picture of God which causes us to doubt there is even a God!

I will continue to search and to learn, hopefully with an open spirit and an open mind.


Anonymous said...

that bread sounds good.there are some really nice glutine free muffins at the airport coffee shop.

Anonymous said...

Hm.I think you lost me there a bit.
But you know mom, you can always ask me what ever you want,as I am one of those apathic ones, and if you wanted to maybe you might see us lost souls a little differently. Maybe?

Anonymous said...

The problem with the great bulk of organized religion is that people mistake it for God, (when I say God I mean "the search for the thing that has the shape of God") and when they reject popes, imans, rabbi's, priests, bishops, and other "over-paid interpreters of the formal religious text" (as the lady taking about Bridget and the Celtic revival put it), they might be tempted to believe they are rejecting God, or the idea of God. Of course, freeing one's mind from the baggage of religious ritual (dietary laws and all that complete and total nonsense) is just the first step in making a real search for God. The buddist path can be seen in that light, although they too have their monks and parasites -- every religion seems to have it own contradiction of its greatest message: Jesus said, for example, down with the priests and the money changers and the pharisees and for the last 2,000 years we have had Christian churches largely organized around the importance of priests and rituals and various manifestations of money changing. (The idea with the money-changing in Jesus' time was that to go into the temple and make some sacrafice or other you had to have the "right" kind of money - kosher money, I suppose; so the money-changers, by enforcing this stupid rule, made a profit.)

So the first step in ridding ourselves of spiritual apathy is to cast a very sceptical idea on all parts of organized religion.



PS I'm just as sceptical that glueten free bread is going to save everyone either!

Anonymous said...

Here Here! I could not have said it better.