Monday, March 29, 2010


There are three basic routes I can take as I head out my door for my morning walk and they vary in length and challenge. At our church we have been going through a process of deciding what route the church should take. We have three choices; join with another church, stay just as we are, or liven up our services. I attended two Saturday mornings and two Sunday mornings and my little group came up with some great ideas for different worship experiences. Yesterday I read I would not be able to vote because I am not a full member; but the hilarious part is that I probably have been attending far more lately than some so called members; and I have been very involved over the past years. I have given money and support in many ways. So we will be voting in April on these choices and I am well aware of the impractical views that a group of us presented and I was not surprised to hear that as it has already been discussed by the committee it has no hope at all of being chosen. I am not surprised but as far as the voting goes that should have been said up-front. I will not attend the final discussion group before the voting. Why bother? I laughed when I read that I would not be allowed to vote. Some one who has not attended any groups can vote? My friend was extremely upset about the whole thing but I know I should not be surprised politics are a part of church life!

Jesus and I will just hang out together both outside.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

See, it is just that kind of thing you could vote to get rid of.... if only you were alowed to vote of course!