Thursday, March 4, 2010


This is Lee's mom who I am getting to know as I visit with her.
One of my great joys in life is visiting the elderly and sharing the story of my life with them. This started because of the years I spend visiting my mom and my dad in the nursing home.
I was blessed to have a wonderful mom who loved and cared for us and prepared me to embrace this calling on my life. She was a loyal friend and a faithful wife but I wonder now if she lost something of herself when she married. This is so easy to do when we get caught up in being a wife and then a mother.
God has given us each different gifts and we discover who we are is not the role we play but in finding the true passion of our hearts. Today the world offers new and better opportunities in the choice women have in careers and in life-style. With freedom comes responsibility to share our joys and our worries. I have been reading about some of the women in the Bible and I have been impressed with the strength that I have uncovered. Their voices were often unheard but yet their actions speak to us today.
I have found that their lives have helped me to discover the heart of Jesus that even the male writers of the Bible were often unaware of. I am thankful for the honesty of scripture that reveals the weakness of character in both male and female. I believe that women are now bring new questions and new strengths to enrich the reading of scripture. We are equal image bearers [Genesis 1:27] called to be soul mates not only to reproduce life, if we are fortunate, but to reproduce spiritual life. We have all been invested with dignity, worth and purpose that is a design for women and men to work together. We need each other. We need our children to also help us think and grow together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I would think that must of us, men or women, lose part of who we are when we get married. Then of course there are the uncompromising, who stay true to their own dreams, but I would think they would be hard to live with, as they would have to be very self centered. And really, isn't that what Jesun most wanted of us, is NOT to be self centered?