Sunday, March 14, 2010


We are put on earth a little space that we might learn to bear the beams of love. -William Blake
Looking back I value the love of my parents more now than I did at the time. Love consists of so many different feelings and yet we seem to be aware of the need to be loved at an early age. We have to learn that we are separtate from our parents and that discipline is a form of love. Love certainly is action and knowing and appreciation but it cannot be defined. We are motivated by a deep force that hungers to be loved and to love. LOVING MEMORIES LIVE ON
I find that when I look at young children tears often come into my eyes. Seeing Melina and Kenny, Matthew and Jasmine on the computer screen gives us great joy but also the longing to be right there with them.

Yesterday I spent the afternoon having tea with Shirley and we laughed together as we shared some early childhood memories. Earlier I had a short visit with Chris and Belinda and Shirley and I dropped off a goodie basket for Chris. He gave me a hug then he and Belinda were off to Metro town. I FELT LOVED ALL DAY!

Today after I attend an early meeting at the church I will rush home to see Theresa, Ben and Morgan be fore Carol takes them home to her place.

We are invited to grow in our capacity of love, even though we may not always understand the deep feelings that come alive in our hearts, and to also bear the disappointments that we have to learn how to endure and allow love to be reborn as a deeper passion that enlarges our hearts.

"Love is the life of our heart. According to it, we desire, rejoice, hope and despair, fear, take heart, hate avoid things, feel sad, grow angry and exult."
Francis De Sales.

Love is a Holy Energy that has filled the earth from the moment of Creation and continues to create and multiply. Love is greater than our experiences even as God is greater than any solid images we may try to hold on to. We may be surprised by the beauty of the sun on the water, or the first flowers pushing up out of the dirt and opening into flowers, or the sound of music that awakens the soul to a deeper appreciation of all of life.

A little boy on seeing the snowfall a few days ago said: "I think God got his seasons mixed up." God and love have two things in common they are full of surprises!

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