Sunday, March 28, 2010


Even at the beginning of his teaching ministry Jesus lived like a man who knew from the moment he started their would be no turning back. He was passionate about what he believed and he was doing this out of his love for God, who he called father, and his love for people who he considered his brothers and sisters. His own family would become upset about what he was saying and doing. Was he crazy? His mother realized that he was putting his life in danger and she tried to stop him.

Jesus was saying more and more outrageous things that were especially upsetting the leaders of the church, the rich fat cats who lived with little concern for the poor and vulmerable. The time was coming when Jesus who must be very stressed out and weary from teaching and healing the crowds that followed him; knew his death was near. He was charismatic and drew attention where ever he went. We look this man and we looked at his relationships to discover what he was really like. He had a group of men whom he called disciples and he had a group of women totally devoted to him; they all saw him as a hero. He had good friends who he could stay with after giving up a life of comfort and a home of his own. He was fun to be with and although he said some strange things they were often ignored by those who wanted him to free them from tryany. He had offended the leaders of the church by his interpretation of ancient scripture. He taught by telling simple stories that everyone could relate to; and yet he cut to the heart of the way sinfulness was destroying their lives.

Love your neighbor as yourself and then you will do unto others as you would have done unto you. Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life. Build your life on a solid foundation that even when the storms of life come you will be strong. He praise those of faith even when they were like the centurion a man of a different faith; and he expressed his disappointment when his own disciples had little faith. Why are you afraid?


Anonymous said...

I cut out little pictures of Bee's and stuck them
up all over the house. Matthew calls them butterflies!!

Anonymous said...

How come you put bees up Kenny?
Sounds like you have been doing your reading mom.