Monday, March 22, 2010


Dad is watching the hockey game with his feet in his noisy soak er tub so I came upstairs to write a few words. I am sitting at the computer looking at the picture of Mary and Michael John and who should phone but Mary needing some help on making play dough. She did everything right so I said just wait awhile and maybe it would feel right.

today I walked down to Chapters to get a book "Blue Like Jazz" which Gracelyn recommended when she and her boyfriend came over for a visit. We like him a lot.
Then Ava came over with the baby Yuri to pick them up. He was very fussy and we all took turns walking and rocking him. I was getting tired as it was getting late but after feeding him and tieing our old rocking chair on the back of the truck they sped off into the night.

In the morning we drive into town at 8:30 for dad's eye exams. It takes about two hours but I will take my mystery book along and maybe even finesh it.. We will stop to eat on the way home so that is always a treat. I actually made shepherds pie for him tonight and we both had pie and ice-cream. I dug out a few weeds as a part of my "down to earth" day!


Anonymous said...

Oh, and remind dad that he was going to book a hearing test as well. I see that I missed Mary's call. I was outside planting sweat peas.

Anonymous said...

The book Blue Like Jazz sounds good - what is it about?



Anonymous said...

I have not read it yet but I will tell you when I get started. I am still reading Science and Spirituality which is a very large book. love mom