Monday, March 22, 2010


Strength comes when our faith is connected to the earth, to the sky, to the rythem of all of life.
I was extremely happy to enter into the joyous worship at Gracepoint Church; to feel free to express not only my joy but to express my exhaustion. in raising my hands and letting go of all the emotions that make up who I am. In the morning Sun Paper it says "Celebrate your exhaustion" and I think that was what Jesus was saying in the be-attitudes. Celebrate your individual strengths that have created who you are and what you have achieved. Mytholgy has given us stories and the words of Jesus that for me have spelled out a powerful basis for faith. "The neurobiology of ritual, however, turn these ideas into felt experiences, into mind-body. sensory cognitive events that "prove" their reality." No one needs to tell me that worship stirs up the deepest emotions whether it is in slient prayer or joyful singing.

I find a lot of intellectual talk wearysome and very negative. Worship brings alive the spiritual stories into spiritual experiences. Turning something you believe into something you can feel. I felt like jumping up and down at church just like excited by-standers at the Olimpics because I felt an excitment that had been draining away from me.

Celebrate your passions and let others celebrate theirs. Yes the brain has a prefrontal cortex responsible for focusing attention, generating a sense of will, and mediatine emotions. Most people get drunk with wine to free them selves of inhibitions but I will get drunk on the Holy Spirit. I know that others may watch with scorn and disbelief but that is there problem not mine.


Anonymous said...

good that you were able to hand over your exhaustion and trade it in for some joy. For Randy it is working on his car, me it is digging in the dirt. House work, not so much these days.

Anonymous said...

So glad you had such a joyous experience at Grace Point.We sang some hymns that are well known and loved yesterday. Singing is one of my real joys . Jane