Thursday, March 18, 2010


I could not believe it when I told Peanut or was it Lucy to go lie on her bed and she did! Is this quiet inocent dog the same one that is digging holes and chasing the children in the neighborhood thinking it is a game.

I could not believe where all the ice-cream had gone when I finally had some pie to eat it with.

I cannot believe that Easter is only a few weeks away. I certainly would not have any trouble going to a sun-rise service which is an amazing and exhilerating experience. A small group of people joining together in thankful worship that each day is a new day and a chance of new beginnings.

I cannot believe I have read four chapters of "Brian Science and the Biology of Belief. I have learned all about the different parts of the brain and that we now have greater power to discover what happens in the brain in different areas in response to different experiences and emotions. Our minds want to solve problems and in ancient times myths were a mixture of reality with the immagination or metaphorical images.

A cave man comes across the dead body of his friend and he cannot understand why he died. Killing an animal was part of life but now he is faced with the loss of a much loved friend. Will he see him again? Where has the spirit of life gone? He builds a fire and sits by it to ponder and to struggle to believe. He sits there so deep in thought the fire dies down and only a few cold embers remain and a wisp of smoke rises to the heavens. He has a transforming moment of insight where his great fear is replaced by a rush of ectasy and awe. This is now called an "Eureka Response". "He feels that he has discovered a primal truth. It is more than an idea, it is a belief he has experienced in the deepest reaches of his mind. That personal myth becomes a commununal myth when it is shared with others who find meaning and power in the resolution it provides."

Belief must go deeper than rational thought and even deeper than our emotional response to life. We find many ancient stories or myths have similar themes. Why are the myths of all world cultures so strikingly, consistenly similar?


Anonymous said...

and so then why do we have to dismiss each other as heathens and sinners when there is so much in common that all was inspired by the same god awareness, it just took a different past because of current culture at the time?

Anonymous said...

Why do I feel ike I have heard this all before. This is not what i hear in church nor do I mean to convey in my writing and thinking.
Yes, we are all different and I believe a lot of the "religious" language is now changing into a more spiritual invitation to find healing and grace!
love mom