Tuesday, March 23, 2010


Jane and I will be spending an hour in silent prayer again this morning. I look at this picture and I have many good memories. I think of when Oliver and Kimberly where baby Jesus at Christmas Eve. Service. I think of all the times I have sang or said the Lord'prayer there together with so many dear friends. I believe that this simple prayer really expresses the heart of the gospels; and although there are many different denominations that range from liberal to fundamentalist we all have this prayer in commom. A universal prayer that is also eternal.

"Using this prayer regularly as a spiritual practice creates real and lasting change at the soul level, change which becomes manifest in very earthly, visible ways." Change is hard for most of us, well I know it is for me. We left our little Colebrook Church at a time when i was feeling very empty and burnt out. I think that it is very important to give back the love that one is given but I found that I was having doubts about Christianity and what I was being taught. One church will never meet my deepest needs; one of these is to keep learning.

"Every question is a good question that leads to the truth." Rumpole of the Baily.


Anonymous said...

Where did all the rocks go?



Anonymous said...

Have you changed your writing time mom? Does that mean you are sleeping in a bit?