Monday, March 8, 2010


I am glad that when we get together as a family we can laugh together and try to encourge one another. Friday started out for me asking myself some tough questions; like can I carry through with plans to help at the church or is it more important to enjoy the day with the man in my life.
I will be very careful about volunteering because I am not sure just what I can be available for.

Over breakfast with Rick and supper at Carol's and Panteli's my children also asked me some tough questions. What good does what you are doing do?

Daily we are faced with situations that seem hopeless because we ourselves feel helpless to be able to change the way things are going. We live in hope but sometimes we are caught in the silence of God.


Anonymous said...

I think you should give more time to dad and less to the church. After all, how will younger people ever feel compelled to jump in and take over if you old ones keep doing such a great job!

Anonymous said...

What good does what you are doing do ? Lots - Just ask anyone who receives your kind and caring attention or who is the recipient of your prayers. Jane