Saturday, March 6, 2010


The journey of our lives is not always smooth but like the pond the wind blows and the ripples come and we take time to reflect on where we are and where we are going.
We both felt we needed just to get away. It did us both a world of good just to take a slow route to drive to Chilliwack; to enjoy the beauty of the greening fields and the clear view of the mountains always in front of us. A perfect sunny day just right for a drive. We wanted to drop off a card and a little gift for Mikie whose birthday had just slipped by us. Theresa and the family all had had bad colds and they were getting ready to journey to Salt Spring to celebrate more family birthdays.

It is good to give the mind a rest and the body a change away from all the things that need to be done; but especially the soul needs just to take time to enjoy and appreciate life. The soul takes us on a deeper journey as we gradually come to realize what is most important in life.
Loving God means loving my family, my friends and my neighbors. It takes time to become aware of what lies in the depths of our souls and I need to stop and think before I take steps that
lead me away from surrendering to the simple tasks of loving-kindness, compassion and honesty.
We had a very short visit with Ben and Morgan and they took great delight in showing us the new lacross gear as Ben is going to start next week. Morgan does her swimming and dancing and Theres is into kick-boxing. When we got home we had a visit with Melina and ken on the phone and we could hear baby Jasmine and Matthew making noises in the back-ground. They now have been told to wake Jasmine up so she gets tired at night.
Meanwhile I am waiting to hear from Rick if he is coming down for the week-end for a family party to celebrate Carol, her trip to the Grand Cayman and her birthday that happened while she was up in the air on her homeward journey.


Anonymous said...

It still looks rather cold there.

Anonymous said...

Yes it is now getting cold and may even snow!