Thursday, July 12, 2012


A big hug for Auntie Kimberly from Morgan who could hardly sleep last night knowing she was coming.  Ben had his new drawing book he wanted to share with her too.

A delicious breakfast prepare with lots of love by my granddaughters.
Everyone helped and the tablecloth was decorated with stars and little flowers!

Ben wishing he had some one to play soccer with.  Just last year his grandpa had been able to play lacrosse and hockey but not right now.  He is just having too much pain.

Morgan does cartwheels!

Now that she is here it is hard to remember her not being here.

The sisters.

We find a sunny spot on the far side of the house.  I love the way we express ourselves with our hands!

One responds with gratitude and happiness in the presence of such a beautiful and precious family.

We accept our place in the natural order of things knowing that these young ones will one day take our place and there will be new beginnings.

In every moment we are creating our selves and life around us.


Anonymous said...

Sounds like a wonderful day. What a Kimberlys plans, is she around this weekend at all? Sandra

Shandel said...

What a beautiful family.! i am so happy to be apart of it. Is Kimberly coming back in Sept for the wedding?
Looks like you guys have lots of sunshine now. Enjoy your visits.

nancy-Lou said...

What privilege it see your wonderful family life through the pictures and notes that you post on your blog site Beth. Sisters, Grandchildren, sons, daughters all so handsome and pretty. Most important is the love for each other that is so evident! There are so many lonely older folks around these days, without family or friends..but you are most blessed! Thanks for sharing Beth. You do a great job as "chief nurturer".Love, Nancy

Anonymous said...

I can hardly keep track of the people coming and going from the Caribbean!



Anonymous said...

And she brought the sun , good on ya Kimbo.